Motores diesel – Automóviles, furgonetas, camiones, autocares.

116,16  IVA Incluido

Categoría: Etiqueta:

La última edición de DATOMOTOR, publicado en el año 2004 e ininterrumpidamente durante 37 años, que recoge el parque automovilístico de los 10 últimos años anteriores al 2004: Automóviles, vehículos comerciales, furgonetas, camiones, autobuses, motores industriales y marinos, maquinaria agrícola y de obras públicas. Es la colección de fichas técnicas más completa publicada en España. El éxito de DATOMOTOR, año tras año, se debió a dos razones: al completísimo repertorio de vehículos que contiene y a la forma sencilla en que son expuestos en una sola hoja los datos técnicos que el Técnico precisa para el correcto mantenimiento, reglaje y puesta a punto de los motores tanto de gasolina como de diesel. Contiene (en 2 tomos) 976 páginas, 90 marcas, 4.103 vehículos y 262.592 datos técnicos desde 1990 hasta 2004.

• Automóviles, furgonetas, camiones, autocares, tractores, maquinaria agrícola, maquinaria obras públicas, motores industriales. Vehículos hasta el año 2004 en España.

Con 2.595 fichas técnicas de los MOTORES DIESEL europeos, japoneses y americanos que equipan automóviles, furgonetas, camiones, autocares, tractores, maquinaria agrícola, de obras públicas e industrial, este volumen es una obra imprescindible tanto para los Técnicos en motores como para los Especialistas en Equipos Diesel.

Motor, número de cilindros y válvulas por cilindro, calibre, carrera, cilindrada, potencia, par motor, relación compresión, presión compresión, batería, etc.

Juego válvula admisión y escape, AAA: Avance apertura admisión, RCA: Retardo cierre admisión, AAE: Avance apertura escape, RCE: Retardo cierre escape, juego calado distribución.

Aceite motor, caja de cambios, aire acondicionado, tipo de gas, capacidad del sistema, cabida circuito de refrigeración-calefacción, presión tapa radiador, apertura termostato, presión bomba de aceite.

Tipo de bomba, orden de inyección, avance inicial, calado bomba, calado cigüeñal, posición pistón (motor). Avance dinámico: Tecnotest, Sun, Bosch, AVL, Inyectores, presión inyectores. Velocidad ralentí, régimen máximo, densidad gas escape.

Altura pistón-bloque.

Batalla. Vía delantera/trasera. Carga. Avance, Caída, Salida y Convergencia.

Culata, biela, cigüeñal, volante, polea cigüeñal, inyectores, etc. con gráficos que explican con claridad los aprietes de culata más difíciles.


33 1.8 Turbo 92-94 Mot. VM96A 1

75 2.0 Turbo Diesel 85-92 Mot. VM80A 1

75 2.4 Turbo Diesel 88-92 Mot. VM81A 1

145 1.9 TD 94-98 Mot. AR67501 1

145 / 146 1.9 D Turbodiesel 98 Mot. 323.02 1

147 1.9 JTD 115CV Turbo Common Rail Mot. 115CV 2

155 1.9 D Turbo 93-97 Mot. AR67501 2

155 1.9 TD 91-97 Mot. 2 Litros 2

155 2.5 D Turbo 93-95 Mot. VM07B 2

156 1.9 D Turbo 97-00 Mot. 323.02 2

156 2.4 D Turbo 97-00 Mot. 325.01 3

156 1.9 JTD Turbo 115CV Common Rail Mot. 937A2000 3

156 1.9 JTD Turbo 140CV Common Rail Mot. 140CV 3

156 2.4 Turbo 150CV Common Rail Mot. 841C000 3

164 TD 2.5 88-92 Mot. VM84A 3

164 TD 2.5 Turbo 88-92 Mot. VM08B 4

164 / 164 Super D Turbo 94-95 Mot. VM08B 4

166 2.4 D Turbo Mot. 342.02 4

166 2.4 JTD Turbo 150CV Common Rail 2000-03 Mot. 150CV 4


D 118 Mot. D 118 5

D 175 Mot. D 175 5

D 262 Mot. D 262 5


A2 1.2 TDi 3L 61CV 2001-03 Mot. ANY 6

A2 1.4 Turbo PD 75CV 2000-03 Mot. AMF 6

A3 1.9 TDi Turbo 96-03 Mot. AGR 6

A3 1.9 TDi PD 2001-03 Mot. ATD 6

A3 1.9 TDi 5 P. Turbo 98-03 Mot. AHF 6

A3 1.9 TDi PD 2001-03 Mot. ASZ 7

A4 1.9 D 96-98 Mot. AFF 7

A4 1.9 Turbo 66 kW 95-01 Mot. AHU 7

A4 1.9 TDi PD 100CV 2001-03 Mot. AVB 7

A4 1.9 Turbo 81 kW 95-01 Mot. AFN 7

A4 1.9 TDi PD 131CV 2001-03 Mot. AWX 8

A4 2.5 V6 24V Turbo 97-01 Mot. AFB 8

A4 2.5 Quattro 2.5 TDi 2001-03 Mot. AYM 8

A4 2.5 Quattro 2.5 TDi 2001-03 Mot. AKE 8

Cabriolet 1.9 Turbo Cat. Mot. AHU 8

A6 1.9 Turbo Cat. 94-97 Mot. AHU 9

A6 1.9 Turbo Cat. 97-03 Mot. AFN 9

A6 1.9 TDi PD 115CV 2001-03 Mot. AJM 9

A6 Quattro 1.9 TDi PD 130CV 2001-03 Mot. AVF 9

A6 2.5 Turbo 91-92 Mot. ABP 9

A6 2.5 Turbo Cat. 91-97 Mot. AEL 10

A6 2.5 Quattro Turbo Cat. 92-97 Mot. AEL 10

A6 2.5 V6 24V Turbo Cat. 97-03 Mot. AFB 10

A6 Quattro 2.5 TDi 99-03 Mot. AKE 10

A6 Quattro 2.5 TDi 2001-03 Mot. AYM 10

Allroad 2.5 V6 24V Turbo Mot. 179CV 11

A8 2.5 V6 24V Turbo 97-01 Mot. AFB 11

A8 2.5 V8 Turbo 98-01 Mot. AKN 11

80 1.9 TD 92-95 Mot. AAZ 11

80 TDi 92-95 Mot. 1Z 11

100 D 2.4 91-94 Mot. AAS 12

100 TD 2.5 91-94 Mot. ABP 12

100 TD 2.5 92-94 Mot. AAT 12


D-144-28 Mot. D 144­28 13

D-144-25 Mot. D 144­25 13

D-37E Mot. D 37E 13

D-37M Mot. D 37M 13

D-50 Mot. D 50 13

D-60 Mot. D 60 14

D-65M Mot. D 65M 14

D-240 Mot. D 240 14


Astra 1.6 D 86-90 Mot. 16 DA 15

KB / Midi 1.9 D 86-88 Mot. C 190 15

KB / Midi 2.0 D 86-90 Mot. 4 FC 1 15

CF Mot. 20 D 15

CF Mot. 21 D 15

CF Mot. 23 D 16

ERT / ERV Mot. 466 16

M Mot. 330 16

TL Mot. 500­151 16

TM Mot. GM Detroit 16

TM Mot. LTA 10.290 17

TK / TL 75-82 Mot. 500 17

TK / TL Turbo 81-87 Mot. 500 17


GR / GRH / TR Bomba Bosch Mot. MDR 063540 18

GR 12 / TR 12 Mot. M 63540 A y C 18

GR 12 / TR 12 Mot. M 63540 A y C 18

GR 12 / TR 12 Mot. M 63540 A y C 18

MIDS 062030 Bomba Bosch Mot. MIDS 062030 18


318 TDS Compact (E36) 94-99 Mot. M41D 19

318 D (E46) 2.0 2000-03 Mot. 115CV 19

320 D 2.0 16V (E46) Turbo Cat. 98-02 Mot. M47D 19

320 D 2.0 16V (E46) Sport Turbo 98-02 Mot. M47D 19

320 D Compact 2.0 16V (E46) 2000-03 Mot. 20 4D 4 19

325 TD (E36) 91-99 Mot. M51D25 20

325 TDS (E36) 91-99 Mot. M51D25 20

330 D 2.9 24V (E46) Turbo Mot. 135 kW 20

520 D 2.0 16V Touring Turbo (E39) 2000-03 Mot. 100 kW 20

525 TD (E34) 91-96 Mot. M51D25 20

525 TDS (E34) 91-96 Mot. M51D25­L 21

525 D Touring 2.5 24V (E39) Turbo 2000-03 Mot. 120 kW 21

525 TDS (E39) 96-00 Mot. M51D25 21

530 D Touring 2.9 24V (E39) Turbo Mot. 135 kW 21

530 D 2.9 (E39) 2000-03 Mot. 306D1 21

725 TDS (E38) 94-02 Mot. M51D25 22

730 D 2.9 24V (E38) Turbo Cat. 98-02 Mot. 135 kW 22

740 D 3.9 V8 32V (E38) Turbo 99-02 Mot. 180 kW 22

X5 3.0 24V (E53) 2000-03 Mot. 184CV 22


Cosechadora Axial Flow Mot. 6C830 23

Cosechadora Axial Flow Mot. 6CT830 23

Cosechadora Axial Flow Mot. 6CTA830 23

Tractor A 1394 Mot. A 220103 23

Tractor B 1494 Mot. B 220105 23

Tractor 1594 Mot. 330002 24

Tractor 1694 Mot. 330102 24

Tractor 3230 Mot. D 206 24

Tractor 4210 Mot. D 239 24

Tractor 4220 Mot. D 246 24

Tractor 4230 Mot. D 268 25

Tractor 4240 Mot. DT 268 25

Magnum 7120 Mot. 6CT 830 25

Magnum 7130 Mot. 6CT 830 25

Magnum 7140 Mot. 6 CTA 830 25

Tractor CS78 Mot. WD401.81 26

Tractor CS86 Mot. WD401.83 26

Tractor CS94 Mot. WD401.85 26

CX 50 Mot. Serie 900 26

CX 60 Mot. Serie 900 26

CX 70 Mot. Serie 1000 27

CX 80 Turbo Mot. Serie 1000 27

CX 90 Turbo Mot. Serie 1000 27

CX 100 Turbo Mot. Serie 1000 27

CVX 120 Mot. WD620.87 27

CVX 130 Mot. WD620.88 28

CVX 150 Mot. WD620.89 28

CVX 170 Mot. WD620.90 28

Magnum MX 180 Mot. QSC 8.3C 28

Magnum MX 200 Mot. QSC 8.3C 28

Magnum MX 220 Mot. QSC 8.3C 29

Magnum MX 240 Mot. QSC 8.3C 29

Magnum MX 270 Mot. QSC 8.3C 29

Maxxum MX 100 Mot. 6T-590 29

Maxxum MX 110 Mot. 6T-590 29

Maxxum MX 120 Mot. 67-590 30

Maxxum MX 135 Mot. 67-590 30


D 330 C Mot. D 330 C 31

D 333 C Mot. D 333 C 31

D 343 Mot. D 343 31

D 353 Mot. D 353 31

3145 Mot. 3145 31

3150 Mot. 3150 32

3160 Mot. 3160 32

3208 Mot. 3208 32

3306 Mot. 250CV 32

3406 B Mot. 320 CV 32

3408 Mot. 3408 33

3304 Mot. 3304 33

3204 Mot. 3204 33

D 8 H 33


Voyager / Gran Voyager 2.5 TD 92-94 Mot. VM 34

Voyager / Gran Voyager 2.5 TD 94-00 Mot. VM 34

Voyager 2.5 CRD TD 2001-03 Mot. CRD 140CV 34

Jeep Cherokee 2.1 D Turbo B. Roto Diesel 91 Mot. J8S­800 34

Jeep Cherokee 2.1 D B. Bosch 92 Mot. J8S­814 34

Jeep Cherokee 2.5 D Turbo 93-96 Mot. 425 CLIRS 35

Jeep Cherokee 2.5 D Turbo 97-00 Mot. 425 CLIRX 35

Jeep Cherokee 2.5 CRD 2001-03 Mot. CRD 140CV 35

Jeep Gran Cherokee 2.5 D Turbo 97-00 Mot. 425 CLIRX 36

Jeep Gran Cherokee 3.1 D Turbo 99-03 Mot. 531C1EW 36


AX 1.4 D Bomba Roto Diesel 89-94 Mot. K9A­TUD3 37

AX 1.4 D / AX Van Bomba Bosch 91-94 Mot. TUD3/K9A 37

AX 1.5 D 94-95 Mot. TUD5 37

AX 1.5 D 94-97 Mot. VJZ (TUD5) 37

BX 17 Bomba Roto Diesel 84-93 Mot. XUD­7 37

BX 17 D Bomba Bosch 84-93 Mot. XUD­7 38

BX 17 D Bomba Bosch 87-94 Mot. XUD­7 38

BX 17 D Bomba Roto Diesel 87-94 Mot. XUD­7 38

BX 17 D Bomba Roto Diesel 93-94 Mot. XUD­7/L 38

BX 17 D Turbo Bomba Bosch 88-93 Mot. A8A 38

BX 17 D Turbo Bomba Roto Diesel 88-93 Mot. A8A 39

BX 17 D Turbo Bomba Bosch 93-94 Mot. AJZ ( XUD7) 39

BX 17 D Turbo Bomba Roto Diesel 93-94 Mot. A8A (XUD7) 39

BX 19 D Bomba Bosch 88-93 Mot. D9B 39

BX 19 D Bomba Bosch (1) 93-94 Mot. DJZ (XUD9) 39

BX 19 D Bomba Roto Diesel 88-93 Mot. D9B 40

BX 19 D Bomba Roto Diesel 87-93 Mot. D9B (XUD9) 40

BX 19 D Bomba Bosch 87-93 Mot. D9B (XUD9) 40

BX 19 D Bomba Bosch (1) 93-94 Mot. D9B (XUD9) 40

BX 19 D Bomba Bosch (2) 93-94 Mot. D9B (XUD9) 40

Saxo 1.5 Diesel Bomba Lucas 96-03 Mot. TUD5/YVJY 41

Saxo 1.5 Diesel Bomba Bosch 96-03 Mot. VJY (TUD5/Y) 41

Saxo 1.5 Diesel Bomba Bosch 96-03 Mot. VJZ (TUD5/L/L3) 41

Saxo 1.5 Diesel Bomba Lucas 96-98 Mot. VJZ (TUD5/L/L3) 41

Saxo 1.5 D 99-03 Mot.TUD5B/L4 41

ZX 1.8 D Bomba Bosch 91-94 Mot. A9A 42

ZX 1.8 D Bomba Roto Diesel 91-94 Mot. A9A 42

ZX 1.9 D Bomba Roto Diesel 91-92 Mot. D9B 42

ZX 1.9 D Cat. 91-98 Mot. XUD9/YDJZ 42

ZX 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 91-92 Mot. D9B 42

ZX 1.9 D Cat. 95-98 Mot. DJY ( XUD9AY) 43

ZX 1.9 D 91-95 Mot. DJZ 43

ZX 1.9 (Con Servodirección) 91-95 Mot. DJZ 43

ZX 1.9 TD 93-98 Mot. D8A 43

ZX 1.9 TD Cat. 93-98 Mot. XUD9TE/Y.DHY 43

ZX 1.9 TD Bomba Roto Diesel 93-95 Mot. D9B 44

ZX 1.9 TD Bomba Bosch 93-95 Mot. D9B 44

Xsara 1.5 D 97-99 Mot. VJZ (TUD5/L3) 44

Xsara 1.9 D Bomba Bosch Cat. 98-00 Mot. DW8 44

Xsara 1.9 D Bomba Lucas Cat. 98-00 Mot. DW8 44

Xsara 1.9 D Bomba Lucas 97-98 Mot. DJY(XUD9A) 45

Xsara 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 97-98 Mot. DJY(XUD9A) 45

Xsara 1.9 D 97-98 Mot. DHV(XUD9) 45

Xsara 1.9 TD Turbo Mot. XUD9BTE 45

Xsara 2.0 HDi Turbo 99-00 Mot. DW10TD 45

Xsara 2.0 HDi Turbo 2000-03 Mot. DW10ATED 46

Xsara Picasso 2.0 HDi Turbo 99-03 Mot. DW10TD 46

Xantia 1.9 D Bomba Roto Diesel 93-96 Mot. XUD 9A/L 46

Xantia 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 93-96 Mot. XUD 9A/L 46

Xantia 1.9 D Cat. 93-98 Mot. XUD9/Y 46

Xantia 1.9 SD Turbo 96-00 Mot. XUD9 SD 47

Xantia 1.9 TD Turbo 95-01 Mot. XUD9BTF 47

Xantia 2.0 HDi Turbo 98-01 Mot. DW10ATED 47

Xantia 2.1 TD 12V Cat. 96-98 Mot. XUD11BTE.P8C 47

XM 2.1 TD 12V B. Bosch Cat. 90-97 Mot. XUD11ATE/Y.PHZ 47

XM 2.1 TD 12V B. Roto Diesel Cat. 93-95 Mot. XUD11ATE/Y.PJZ 48

XM 2.1 D Turbo Bomba Roto Diesel 89-93 Mot. P8A (XUD11ATE) 48

XM 2.1 Turbo D Bomba Bosch 95-01 Mot. XUD11BTE 48

XM 2.1 Turbo D Bomba Roto Diesel 95-01 Mot. XUD11BTE 48

XM 2.1 D Bomba Roto Diesel 89-96 Mot. XUD11A 48

XM 2.1 D Bomba Bosch 89-96 Mot. XUD11A 49

XM 2.5 Turbo D 94-01 Mot. DK5ATE 49

Evasión 1.9 D Turbo 95-97 Mot. XUD9BTF 49

Evasión 2.1 TD B. Lucas Cat. 96-00 Mot. XUD11BTE.P8C 49

Evasión 2.0 HDi Turbo B. Bosch 99-02 Mot. DW10ATED 49

C 15 765 Kg. Bomba Bosch 87-92 Mot. XUD7 50

C 15 765 Kg. Bomba Roto Diesel 87-92 Mot. XUD7 50

C 15 D 1.8 600 Kg. Bomba Roto Diesel Mot. A9A 50

C 15 D 1.8 600 Kg. Bomba Bosch Mot. A9A 50

C 15 D 765 Kg. Bomba Bosch 93-95 Mot. XUD7/L 50

C 15 D 765 Kg. Bomba Roto Diesel 93-95 Mot. XUD7/L 51

C 15 D Familiar Servodirección B. Bosch 93-98 Mot. XUD7L-161A 51

C 15 Familiar Servo 2001-02 Mot. DW8B/L4 51

Berlingo 1.8 D 96 Mot. A9A(XUD7) 51

Berlingo 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 98-00 Mot. DW8 51

Berlingo 1.9 D 96 Mot. DJY(XUD9) 52

Berlingo 1.9 D 96 Mot. D9B(XUD9) 52

Berlingo 1.9 D Turbo Bomba Lucas 98-00 Mot. DW8 52

Berlingo 2.0 D HDi Turbo 99-00 Mot. DW10TD 52

C 25 800 / 1000 / 1400 B. Roto Diesel 90-94 Mot. D9B (XUD9A) 52

C 25 D 1400 / 1800 87-94 Mot. U25/661 53

C 25 D Turbo 1400 / 1800 87-94 Mot. U25/673 53

Jumper 27 1.9 Bomba Roto Diesel 94-99 Mot. XUD9A 53

Jumper 27 1.9 Bomba Bosch 94-99 Mot. XUD9A 53

Jumper 1.9 TD 95-98 Mot. XUD9UTF/DHX 53

Jumper 1.9 D 94-98 Mot. XUD9UTF­D8C 54

Jumper 2.0 HDi Mot. 1997 cc 54

Jumper 31 / 35 2.5 94-97 Mot. DJ5T.THZ 54

Jumper 2.5 D 94-00 Mot. T9A-DJ5 54

Jumper 2.5 D Turbo 97-00 Mot. THX(DJ5TED) 54

Jumper 2.8 D 2001-02 Mot. 8140.63 55

Jumper 2.8 TDI 2001-02 Mot. 8140.43 55

Jumper 2.8 HDi 2001-02 Mot. 8140.43S 55

Jumpy 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 99-00 Mot. DW8/L/W3 55

Jumpy 1.9 D Bomba Lucas 99-00 Mot. DW8/L/W3 55

Jumpy 1.9 D 95-99 Mot. XUD9A 56

Jumpy 1.9 D Turbo 95-00 Mot. XUD9TF 56

Jumpy 1.9 D Turbo 97-00 Mot. XUD9BTF/L3 56

Jumpy 2.0 HDi 94CV 99-03 Mot. DW10BTED 56

Jumpy 2.0 HDi 109CV 99-03 Mot. DW10ATED 56

Jumpy 2.1 D Turbo 96-99 Mot. XUD11BTE 57


BE 99C 135CV Mot. BE 99C 58

BE 110C 150CV Mot. BE 110C 58

BE 123C 170CV Mot. BE 123C 58

CE 136C 185CV Mot. CE 136C 58

CE 162C 220CV Mot. CE 162C 58

CE 184C 250CV Mot. CE 184C 59

4 BTA 3.9 Mot. 4BTA 3.9 59

6 CT 8.3 Mot. 6 CT 8.3 59

6 CT 830 Mot. 6 C 830 59

6 CT 830 Mot. 6 CT 830 59

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. 6CTA830 60

L 10-240 (611) Mot. L 10­240 60

L 10-270 (611) Mot. L10­270 60

L 10-250 (611) Mot. L10­250 60

L 10-290 (611) Mot. L10­290 60

L 10-300 (611) Mot. L10­300 61

Fórmula 240 (855) Mot. F 240 61

NTE 320 (855) Mot. NTE 320 61

NTE 350 (855) Mot. NTE 350 61

NTA 400 Mot. NTA 400 61

NTA 420 Mot. NTA 420 62

QSC 8.3C Mot. QSC 8.3 C 62

6TA830 156/240CV Mot. 6TA830 62

6TAA830 217 a 280CV Mot. 6TAA 830 62


Korando 2.9 Turbo Mot. MB OM 662 63

Korando 2.3 77CV Mot. OM 661 63

Musso 2.9 120CV Turbo Mot. OM 662 29TD 63


200 1.9 D Mot. XUD 9A 64

Sherpa 1.8 D 74-86 Mot. 18 V­D 64

Sherpa 200 Di 86-95 Mot. TN 44 64

Sherpa 2.5 D 83-87 Mot. 14 J 64

Sherpa 300 / Sherpa 400 2.5 D 87-89 Mot. 15 J 64

400 (Mod. hasta Mayo 90) Mot. BN 52 65

400 2.5 D 89-95 Mot. EN 55 65

400 2.5 D Turbo 89-95 Mot. ET 70 65

Convoy 2.5 D 97-98 Mot. 4 HB 65

Convoy 2.5 TD 97-98 Mot. 4 EB 65

T45 Roadrunner 6-12 / 8-12 / 10-13 86-94 Mot. 301 66

T45 Roadrunner 6-13 / 8-13 86-94 Mot. 302 66

T45 Freighter 11/13/14/15/16 14/6/8/10-5 CAV 86-94 Mot. 310 66

T45 Freighter 14/15/16-16 86-92 Mot. 311 66

T45 Freighter 16-13 81-86 Mot. 402 66

T45 Freighter 16-15 81-86 Mot. 411 67

T45 Freighter 16-17 81-86 Mot. 420 67

T45 Constructor 24-15 81-88 Mot. 411 67

T45 Constructor 24-17 81-91 Mot. 420 67

T45 Constructor 24-23 81-86 Mot. TL 11B 67

T45 Constructor 30-25 84-90 Mot. LTA 10­250 68

T45 Constructor 30-26 81-86 Mot. TL 11C 68

T45 Constructor 24-21 / 30-21 81-90 Mot. TL 11A 68

T45 Constructor 24-23 86-90 Mot. T 11B 68

T45 Constructor 24-25 86-90 Mot. T 11C 68

T45 Constructor 30-25 84-86 Mot. R265 Li 69

T45 Constructor 30-25 86-90 Mot. R 265 Le 69

T45 Cruiser 16-15 81-86 Mot. 411 69

T45 Cruiser 16-17 81-89 Mot. 420 69

T45 Cruiser 16-21 81-86 Mot. TL 11A 69

T45 Cruiser 16-23 81-86 Mot. TL 11B 70

T45 Cruiser 16-26 81-89 Mot. TL 11C 70

T45 Cruiser 16-23 86-89 Mot. T 11B 70

T45 Roadtrain 16-25 / 17-25 86-90 Mot. LTA 10­250 70

T45 Roadtrain 16-29 / 17-25 84-86 Mot. R 300 Li 70

T45 Roadtrain 17-34 84-86 Mot. R 340 Li 71

T45 Roadtrain 17-34 86-89 Mot. R 350 Le 71

T45 Roadtrain 16-25 / 17-25 86-90 Mot. R 265 Le 71

T45 Roadtrain 16-29 / 17-29 86-90 Mot. R 300 Le 71

T45 Roadtrain 17-32 / 20-32 84-89 Mot. NTE 320 71

T45 Roadtrain 17-35 / 20-35 84-89 Mot. NTE 350 72

Series 45 FA 45-160 (162 CV) 91-93 Mot. CT 119 72

Series 45 FA 45-160 (147 CV) 91-93 Mot. CB 108 72

Series 45 FA 45-130 91-93 Mot. CN 96 72

Series 45 FA 45-120 91-93 Mot. CD 85 72

Series 55 Mot. CS 134L 73

Series 55 Mot. CS 156L 73

Series 55 Mot. CS 158M 73

Serie 60 FA 60-180 90-92 Mot. DNT 620 73

Series 65 FA 65 Mot. NS 133L 73

Series 65 FA 65 Mot. NS 156L 74

Series 70 FA 70-230 90-92 Mot. HT 168 74

Series 80 FAD 80-270 91-92 Mot. 800­270 T 74

Series 80 FT/G 80-330 S 91-92 Mot. WS 242 74

Series 80 FA/D 80-330 91-92 Mot. WS 242 74

Series 80 FAD 80-300 91-92 Mot. WS 222 75

Series 80 FT 80-300/S 91-92 Mot. WS 222 75

Series 80 FAT 80-260 91-92 Mot. KT 191 75

Series 80 FAD 80-250 91-93 Mot. LT 10­250 75

Series 95 FA/D 95-330 FT/G 95-330 91-93 Mot. WS 242 75

Series 95 FA/FT 95-400 87-92 Mot. WS 295 ATi 76

Series 95 FA/FT 95-360 87-92 Mot. WS 268 76

CF85 340CV Mot. XF250 76

CF85 380CV Mot. XF280 76

CF85 430CV Mot. XE315 76

F 2100 / 2105 / F 2103 DH 78-87 Mot. DH 25 77

F 2103 DHR / F 2105 DHR / 2305 DHR 78-90 Mot. DHR 825 77

F 2300 DHU / F 2305 DHU / 2303 DHU 78-90 Mot. DHU 825 77

F/FA 2100 F/FA 2105 81-91 Mot. DHTD 825 78

FL6 Mot. D6A230 78

FT 2700 HS / FA 2700 HS 90-91 Mot. HS 200 78

FT 2300 HT / FA 2300 HT 90-94 Mot. HT 168 78

FT/FTG 95-430 FTS/FTT 95-430 90-94 Mot. WS 315 L 79

FT 3200 KS 90-94 Mot. KS 238 79

F 3300 85-87 Mot. DKX 1160 ATi 79

F 3600 85-87 Mot. DKZ 1160 ATi 79

F 2800 85-87 Mot. DKXR 1160 ATi 79

F 3300 83-87 Mot. DKV 1160 80

F 2800 83-87 Mot. DKV 1160 80

F 3325 81-87 Mot. DKX 1160 80

F 3305 81-87 Mot. DKX 1160 80

F 3300 81-87 Mot. DKX 1160 80

F 2805 80-87 Mot. DKS 1160E 81

F 2800 80-87 Mot. DKS 1160E 81

F 2805 / F 2815 DKS 74-81 Mot. DKS 1160 81

F 2800 / F 2803 DKS 74-81 Mot. DKS 1160 81

F 45.180 / F 55.180 Mot. CS 134M 81

F 45.160 Mot. CS 118M 82

F 55.180 Mot. CS 133M 82

F 55.210 Mot. CS 158M 82

F 65CF180 Mot. NS 133M 82

F 65.210 Mot. NS 156M 82

F 65CF210 Mot. NS 177M 83

F 75.240 Mot. RS 180M 83

F 75.270 Mot. RS 200M 83

F 75CF250 Mot. PF 183M 83

F 75CF290 Mot. PF 212M 83

F 75.300 Mot. RS 222M 84

F 75CF320 Mot. PF 235M 84

F 85/330 / F 95/330 Mot. WS 242M 84

F 85CF.340 Mot. XF 250M 84

F 85CF.380 Mot. XF 280M 84

F 85CF.430 Mot. XF 315M 85

F 85/360 / F 95/360 Mot. WS 268M 85

F 85/400 / F 95/400 Mot. WS 295M 85

F 95XF.380 Mot. XF 280M 85

F 95XF.430 Mot. XF 315M 85

F 95XF.480 Mot. XF 355M 86

FT 95.500 V Mot. VF 373M 86

F 95/430 Mot. WS 315M 86

F 95-380 87-92 Mot. WS 282 86

FT 3200 KS 90-92 Mot. KS 238 86

FT 2700 HS / FA 2700 HS 90-92 Mot. HS 200 87

1500 Mot. DT 615 87

1300 Mot. DF 615 87

95XF Mot. XF 280M 87

95XF Mot. XF 315M 87

95XF Mot. XF 355M 88

95-400 Mot. WS295 88

95-380 Mot. W282 88

95-360 Mot. WS268 88

Serie 75 Mot. RS 200 M (Euro II) 88

Serie 75 Mot. RS 180 L 89

Serie 75 Mot. RS 200 L 89

Serie 75 Mot. RS 222 L 89

Serie 75 Mot. RS 180 M 89

95-350 Mot. WS259 89

95.330 Mot. WS242 90

95.310 Mot. WS225 90

FA 45-130 / FT 50-130 93-95 Mot. LT 97L 90

FA 45-150 / FT 50-150 93-95 Mot. LT 108L 90

45-120 Mot. CD 85 90

45-130 Mot. CN 96 91

45-130 C08 / 45-130 C11 Mot. CT 97L 91

45-150 C08 / 45-150 C11 Mot. CT 108L 91

45-160 Mot. CT 119 91

45-160 C11 Mot. CS 119 L 91

FA 50-180 / FA 60-180 / FT 60-180 93-95 Mot. NS 1332 92

FA 60-210 / FT 65-210 93-95 Mot. NS 156L 92

FA/FAS 75-240 / FAT/FT 75-240 93-95 Mot. RS 180L 92

FA/FAS 75-270 / FAT/FT 75-270 93-95 Mot. RS 200 L 92

FA/FAS 75-300 / FAT/FT 75-300 93-95 Mot. RS 222L 92

FA 2700 HS / FT 2700 HS Mot. HS 200 93

FA/FAS 75.240 / FT 2700 HS Mot. RS 180 L 93

FA/FAS 75.270 / FT 2700 HS Mot. RS 200L 93

FA/FAS 75.300 / FT 2700 HS Mot. RS 222 L 93

FAD 85-300 93-95 Mot. WS 242 L 93

FA/FAD 85-330 / FT/FTG 85-330 / FAS 85-330 93-95 Mot. WS 242 L 94

FAD 85-360 / FT/FTG 85-360 / FAS 85-360 93-95 Mot. WS 268 L 94

FT/FTG 95-360 / FAS 95-360 93-95 Mot. WS 268 L 94

FA 95-400 / FT 95-400 87-93 Mot. WS 295 ATI 94

FA/D 95-330 / FT/G 95-330 91-93 Mot. WS 242 94

FT/FTG 80.330 / FT/FTG 85.330 Mot. WS 242 L 95

FT/FTG 85.360 / FT/FTG 85.330 Mot. WS 268 L 95

FT/FTG 95.400 / FTS 95.400 Mot. WS 295 L 95

FT/FTG 95.430 / FTS 95.400 Mot. WS 315 L 95

FA 2300 HT / FT 2300 HT Mot. 168 kW 95

LF 45/55 2001-03 Mot. BE 99 C 96

LF 45/55 2001-03 Mot. BE 110 C 96

LF 45/55 2001-03 Mot. BE 123 C 96

LF 45/55 2001-03 Mot. CE 136 C 96

LF 45/55 2001-03 Mot. CE 162 C 96

LF 45/55 2001-03 Mot. CE 184 C 97

MB 200 DKL 74-87 Mot. DKDL 1160 97

MB 200 DKL 79-87 Mot. DKTL 1160 97


Fourtrak F 75 Turbo 84-92 Mot. DL 98

Fourtrak D Turbo 90-93 Mot. DL­51 98

Fourtrak F 73 / 78 93-95 Mot. DL­42 98

Fourtrak F 73 / 78 D – Turbo 93-95 Mot. DL­52 98

Rocky Diesel 2.8 91 Mot. DL 98

Rocky Turbo Diesel 84-92 Mot. DL Turbo 99

Rocky Turbo Diesel 90-93 Mot. DL­51 99

Rocky 2.8 D Turbo 93-00 Mot. Toyota DLT/C 99

Rocky 2.8 D 93-99 Mot. DL 99


F 3L 514 Mot. F 3L 514 100

F 4L 514 Mot. F 4L 514 100

F 6L 514 Mot. F 6L 514 100

AF 6L 614 Mot. AF 6L 614 100

AF 8L 614 Mot. AF 8L 614 100

F 1L 712 Mot. F 1L 712 101

F 2L 712 Mot. F 2L 712 101

F 3L 712 Mot. F 3L 712 101

F 4L 712 Mot. F 4L 712 101

F 6L 712 Mot. F 6L 712 101

AF 6L 714 Mot. AF 6L 714 102

AF 8L 714 Mot. AF 8L 714 102

F 10L A714 Mot. F 10 L A714 102

FD 12L A714 Mot. FD 12L A714 102

F 1L A812 Mot. F 1L A812 102

F 2L A812 Mot. F 2L A812 103

F 3L A812 Mot. F 3L A812 103

F 4L A812 Mot. F 4L A812 103

F 6L A812 Mot. F 6L A812 103

F 3L 812D Mot. F 3L 812 D 103

F 4L 812D Mot. F 4L 812D 104

F 6L 812D Mot. F 6L 812D 104

F 6L 814 Mot. F 6L 814 104

F 3L 912 Mot. F 3L 912 104

F 4L 912 Mot. F 4L 912 105

F 5L 912 Mot. F 5L 912 105

F 6L 912 Mot. F 6L 912 105

B / F6L 912 Mot. B / F 6L 912 105

F 3L 913 Mot. F 3L 913 105

F 4L 913 Mot. F 4L 913 105

BF 4L 913 Mot. BF 4L 913 106

F 6L 913 Mot. F6L 913 106

BF 6L 913 Mot. BF6L 913 106

F 8L 914 Mot. F 8L 914 106

BF 6L 913 Mot. BF 6L 913 106

Tractor DX 4.10 Mot. F 4L 912 107

Tractor DX 6.05 / 6.10 Mot. F6L912­74 107

Tractor DX 6.30 Mot. F6L913 / 85 107

Agro Star 6.08 Mot. F6L913 107

Agro Star 6.11 Mot. F6L912 F 107

Agro Star 6.28 Mot. F6L913 108

Agro Star 6.38 Mot. F6L913T 108

Agro Star 6.61 Mot. BF6L913 108

Agro Prima 4.31 91-98 Mot. F4L913 108

Agro Prima 4.51 91-98 Mot. BF4L913 108

Agro Prima 6.16 Mot. F6L913 109

Agro Xtra 6.17 Mot. F6L913 109

Agrotron Mot. BFM1012E 109

Agrotron Mot. BFM1012EC 109

Agrotron Mot. BFM1013E 109

Agrotron Mot. BFM1013EC 110

Agrotron Mot. BFM1012E 110

Agrotron Mot. BFM1012EC 110

Agrotron Mot. BFM1013E 110

Agrotron Mot. BFM1013EC 110

Agrotron Mot. BFM1013ECP 111

Agrotron 106 MK3 Mot. BF6M1012EC 111

Agrotron 110 MK3 Mot. BF6M1012EC 111

Agrotron 115 MK3 Mot. BF6M1012EC 111

Agrotron 120 MK3 Mot. BF6M1013E 111

Agrotron 135 MK3 Mot. BF6M1013E 112

Agrotron 150 MK3 Mot. BF6M1013E 112

Agrotron 165 MK3 Mot. BF6M1013E 112


E 6.18 / ES 6.18 86-94 Mot. 6BTA­180 113

E 6.21 91-94 Mot. 6BTA­210 113

E 6.21 P 91-94 Mot. Ph 210 113

E 8.26 R / E 8.26 T 88-94 Mot. 6CTAA 113

E 10-25 R Mot. L 10­250 113

E 10-29 TT Mot. LT 10­290 114

E 10-27 R Mot. LTA 10­275 114

E 10-32 TT Mot. LTA 10­325 114

E 12-30 Mot. TX 300 114

E 12-32 TT Mot. TX 325 114

E 12-34 TT Mot. P800­340 Li 115

E 12-37 TT Mot. TX 375 115

E 14-32 TT (Mot. Cummins) Mot. NTE 320 115

E 14-36 TT (Mot. Cummins) Mot. NTE 365 115

E 14-40 TT (Mot. Cummins) Mot. NTE 400 115

E 14-41 TT Mot. NTA 410 116

E 14-46 TT Mot. NTA 465 116


Tr. Farmer 240 S Mot. Deutz F3L912 117

Tr. Farmer 250 S / SA Mot. Deutz F3L912 117

Tr. Farmer 260 S / SA Mot. Deutz F3L913 117

Tr. Farmer 275 S / SA Mot. Deutz F4L913 117

Tr. Farmer 250 V / VA Mot. Deutz F3L912 117

Tr. Farmer 260 V / VA Mot. Deutz F3L913 118

Tr. Farmer 270 V / VA Mot. Deutz F4L912 118

Tr. Farmer 260 P / PA Mot. Deutz F3L913 118

Tr. Farmer 270 P / PA Mot. Deutz F4L912 118

Tr. Farmer 280 P / PA Mot. Deutz F4L913 118

Tr. Farmer 303 LS 92-95 Mot. D 226­3 119

Tr. Farmer 304 LS 89-98 Mot. TD 226­3B 119

Tr. Farmer 305 LS 90-95 Mot. D 226­4 119

Tr. Farmer 307 LS 92-95 Mot. TD 226­B 119

Tr. Farmer 309 LS 86-95 Mot. TD 226­4 119

Tr. Farmer 310 LS 89-95 Mot. TD 226­B 120

Tr. Farmer 311 LSA Mot. D 226 B6 120

Tr. Farmer 312 LSA 88-94 Mot. D 226 B6 120

Tr. Farmer 312 LSA 90-95 Mot. D 226 B6 120

Favorit 611 LSA 92-95 Mot. TD 226 B6 120

Favorit 612 LSA 92-95 Mot. TD 226 B6 121

Favorit 614 LSA 92-95 Mot. TD 226 B6 121

Favorit 615 LSA 92-95 Mot. TD 226 B6 121


Uno Turbo D 89-94 Mot. 146 B 3000 122

Uno 1.7 D 86-90 Mot. 149 B 2000 122

Punto 1.7 TD 94-99 Mot. 176 A3.000 122

Punto 1.7 TD 97-98 Mot. B7000 122

Punto 1.9 D 99-04 Mot. 188 A3000 122

Punto 1.9 Turbo Mot. 182 B4000 123

Punto 1.9 JTD 99-02 Mot. 188 A2000 123

Punto 1.9 JTD 2001-04 Mot. 188 A7000 123

Palio 1.7 D Turbo 98-00 Mot. 176 A3000 123

Palio 1.9 D 2000-04 Mot. 63CV 123

Multipla 1.9 JTD 105CV Turbo Mot. 182 B4000 124

Multipla 1.9 JTD 110CV Mot. 182 B4000 124

Brava / Bravo 1.9 TD 96-98 Mot. 160 A.7000 124

Brava / Bravo 1.9 TD 95-98 Mot. 182 A8000 124

Brava / Bravo 1.9 TD 95-98 Mot. 182 A7000 124

Brava / Bravo 1.9 D JTD Turbo 98-01 Mot. 182 B4000 125

Tipo 1.7 D 87-92 Mot. 149 B4000 125

Tipo 1.9 TD 87-92 Mot. 160 A6000 125

Tipo 1.9 D 90-92 Mot. 160 A7000 125

Tipo 1.9 TD 94 Mot. 160 A6000 125

Marea 1.9 TD 75 Cat. 96-02 Mot. 182 A8000 126

Marea Weekend 1.9 TD 100 Cat. 96-98 Mot. 182 A7000 126

Marea 1.9 JTD Turbo 99-00 Mot. 182 B4000 126

Marea Weekend 2.4 TD Cat. 96-98 Mot. 185 A2000 126

Marea 2.4 JTD Turbo 99-00 Mot. 185 A6000 126

Croma 1.9 TD 88-93 Mot. 154 B 000 127

Croma 2.0 TD 93-98 Mot. 154 D 1000 127

Croma 2.5 TD 89-93 Mot. 8144.97 127

Croma 2.5 TD 93-95 Mot. 8144.97Y 127

Tempra 1.9 D Bomba CAV 90-93 Mot. 160 A 7000 127

Tempra 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 90-93 Mot. 160 A 7000 128

Tempra 1.9 TD 93-95 Mot. 160 A 6000 128

Talento 2.0 D 88-92 Mot. 149 B 1000 128

Ulysse 1.9i Turbo Cat. 94-00 Mot. XUD9TF.DHX 128

Ulysse 2.0 JTD Turbo 99-00 Mot. RHZ 128

Ulysse 2.1i TD Cat. 96-98 Mot. XUD11BTE.P8C 129

Ulysse 2.0 JTD 16V 2002-03 Mot. RHW 129

Stilo 1.9 80CV Turbo Common Rail Mot. 192 A3000 129

Stilo 1.9 115CV Turbo Common Rail Mot. 192 A1000 129

Fiorino 1.3 D 91-93 Mot. 146 B 1000 129

Fiorino 1.7 D 89-90 Mot. 149 B 3000 130

Fiorino 1.7 D 91-93 Mot. 146 B 2000 130

Fiorino 1.7 D 95 Mot. 146 B 2000 130

Fiorino 1.7 Turbo 63CV 97-02 Mot. 146 D 7000 130

Fiorino 1.7 D Turbo 63CV Mot. 146 D 7000 130

Doblo 1.9 63CV 2000-04 Mot. 223 A 6000 131

Doblo 1.9 JTD 2001-04 Mot. 182 B 9000 131

Scudo 1.9 D 96-98 Mot. D9B 131

Scudo 1.9 TD 96-98 Mot. XUD9TF/Y 131

Scudo 1.9 TD 96-98 Mot. D8B 131

Scudo 2.0 JTD 94CV 99-04 Mot. RHX 132

Scudo 2.0 JTD 110CV 99-04 Mot. RHZ 132

Scudo 2.0 JTD 16V 110CV 2002-04 Mot. RHW 132

Ducato 1.9 D 87-93 Mot. 149 B 1000 132

Ducato 1.9 D Turbo 87-93 Mot. 280 A 1000 132

Ducato 2.5 D 87-93 Mot. 8144.67 133

Ducato 2.5 D 86-93 Mot. U25/661 133

Ducato 2.5 D Turbo 91-93 Mot. 8140.27 133

Ducato 1.9 D 94-97 Mot. 230 A2000 133

Ducato 1.9 TD 94-98 Mot. 230 A 3000 133

Ducato 1.9 TD 94-97 Mot. 230 A 4000 134

Ducato 2.5 DS 94-00 Mot. 8140.67 134

Ducato 2.5 TDS 94-01 Mot. 8140.47 134

Ducato 2.5 TDS 94-01 Mot. 8140.47R 134

Ducato 2.8 Turbo 97-02 Mot. 8140.43 134

Ducato Maxi 2.8 98-02 Mot. 8140.63 135

Ducato 2.8 JTD 2000-02 Mot. 8140.43S 135

Mot. 615.000 Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. 615000 135

8040.02 Mot. 8040.02 135

Tr. 70-90 / 70-90 DT CAV Mot. 8045.06 135

Tr. 80-90 / 80-90 DT Bomba Bosch Mot. 8045.05 136

Tr. 70-90 / 70-90 DT Bomba Bosch Mot. 8045.06 136

8060.02 Mot. 8060.02 136

8065.02 Mot. 8065.02 136

Tr. 1180 / 1180 DT Bomba Bosch Mot. 8065.04 136

Tr. 1180 / 1180 DT Bomba CAV Mot. 8065.04 137

Tr. 115-90 / 115-90 DT Mot. 8065.05 137

Tr. 130-90 / 130-90 DT Mot. 8065.25.010 137

190-38 / 190-38 T Mot. 8280.22 137

115-17 / 135-17 Mot. 8260­24 137

115-14 / 135-14 Mot. 8060­04 138

140-90 / 140-90 DT Mot. 8060­25­000 138

55-90 / 55-90 DT Mot. 8035.06 138

60-90 / 60-90 DT Mot. 8035.05 138

90-90 / 90-90 DT Mot. 8055.05 138

100-90 / 100-90 DT Mot. 8065.06 139

65-90 / 65-90 DT Mot. 8045.06 139

110-90 / 110-90 DT Mot. 8065.05 139


S 104 4X2 94 Mot. 3306 B 140

S 106 R 6X4 94 Mot. 3306 B 140

S 108 R4 94 Mot. NTE 320 140

S 104 / S 106 95 Mot. 3406 B 140

S 104 / S 106 95 Mot. 3406 B 140

S 104 R / S 104 R 4X4 96-98 Mot. B 215 141

S 104 R 96-98 Mot. B 235 141

S 104 T / S 106 R / S 108 R 96-98 Mot. C 280 141

S 104 T / S106 M/S/T/R S 108 R 96-98 Mot. M 305 E 141

S 104 T / S106 M/S/T/R S 108 R 96-98 Mot. M 340 E 141


Fiesta 1.8 D Bomba Bosch 94-96 Mot. RTG / RTD 142

Fiesta 1.8 D 60CV 95-99 Mot. Endura DE.RTJ 142

Fiesta 1.8 D Bomba CAV 94-96 Mot. RTC 142

Fiesta 1.8 D Cat. 95-99 Mot. RTJ 142

Fiesta 1.4 TDCi 2002-03 Mot. F6JA 142

Focus 1.8 D Turbo 98-03 Mot. C9DC 143

Focus 1.8 TDCi 2001-03 Mot. F9DA/F9DB 143

Fusion 1.4 TDCi 2002-03 Mot. F6JA 143

Mondeo 1.8 D Turbo Cat. Mot. RFM / RFN 143

Mondeo 2.0 TDCi 2001-03 Mot. FMBA / FMBB 143

Sierra 1.8 TD 90-92 Mot. RFA 144

Scorpio 2.5 TD Cat. 94-96 Mot. SCC 144

Scorpio 2.5 TD Cat. 97-98 Mot. SCD 144

Granada 2.5 D 88-90 Mot. STR 144

Granada 2.5 Turbo 89-94 Mot. SFA 144

Galaxy 1.9 TDi Cat. 96-03 Mot. AHU 145

Galaxy 1.9 Turbo 97-99 Mot. AFN 145

Galaxy 1.9 TDi 2000-03 Mot. ANU 145

Galaxy 1.9 TDi 2000-03 Mot. AUY 145

Maverick 2.7 TD Mot. TD 27 145

Maverick 2.7 TD 96-98 Mot. TD 27E 146

Escort 1.8 D Cat. 90-94 Mot. RTH 146

Escort 1.8 D Cat. 95-99 Mot. RTH 146

Escort 1.8 D Turbo 90-94 Mot. RFD 146

Escort 1.8 D 95-99 Mot. RFD 146

Escort / Orion 1.8 D Bomba Bosch 90-92 Mot. RTE / RTF 147

Escort / Orion 1.8 D Bomba CAV 90-92 Mot. RTE / RTF 147

Courier Combi 1.8 D Cat. Mot. DE.RTJ 147

Courier Van 1.8 D Cat. Mot. DE.RTJ 147

Ranger 2.5D 99-03 Mot. WL 147

Ranger 2.5D Turbo 99-03 Mot. WL-T 148

Transit 2.0 Turbo 75CV 2000-03 Mot. 75CV 148

Transit 2.0 Turbo 85CV 2000-03 Mot. 85CV 148

Transit 2.0 Turbo 100CV 2000-03 Mot. 100CV 148

Transit 2.4 Turbo 75CV 2000-03 Mot. 75CV 148

Transit 2.4 Turbo 90CV 2000-03 Mot. 90CV 149

Transit 2.4 Turbo 120CV 2000-03 Mot. 120CV 149

Transit 92 Turbo D 91-94 Mot. 4EA 149

Transit 2.5 D 95 Mot. 4FB/FC 149

Transit 2.5 D 95-00 Mot. 4HB 149

Transit 2.5 TD 95-00 Mot. 4GB/GC 150

Transit DI 2.5 D 91-94 Mot. 4BC / 4CC / 4FA 150

Transit 2.5 91-94 Mot. 4GA 150

Transit 2.5 91-94 Mot. 4EA / 4EB 150

LN 7000/8000 7.8 Turbo Mot. 7.8 150

LN 7000/8000 8.3 Mot. 8.3 151

LN 7000/8000 5.9 Mot. 5.9 151

2726 T Mot. 2726 T 151

2728 T Mot. 2728 T 151

2722 Mot. 2722 151

2725 Mot. 2725 152

Tr. Ford 3910 Mot. 3192 152

Tr. Ford 2910 Mot. 3175 152

2701 E Mot. 2701 E 152

2708 E Mot. 2708 E 152

590 E / 660 E Mot. 80 kW 153

592 E / 624 E 153

M 2715 E Mot. M 2715 E 153

M 2704 E Mot. M 2704 E 153

2709 E 360 CID 153

Tr. Ford 4830 Mot. BSD 442 154

Tr. Ford 5640 Mot. 4393 154

Tr. Ford 6640 / 7740 Mot. 4983 154

Tr. Ford 7840 Mot. 6585 154

Tr. Ford 8240 Mot. 7480 154

Tr. Ford 8340 Mot. 7480 155

Tr. Ford 8240 / 8340 Mot. 7480 155


Civic 2.0 D Turbo 97-00 Mot. 20 T2N 156

Civic R 1.7 CTDi 2002-04 Mot. 4EE2 156

Accord 2.0 D Turbo 96-98 Mot. 20 T2N 156

Accord 2.0 TDi 98-03 Mot. 20 TN2 156

Passport 3.1 Turbo Mot. 4JG 2T 156


Accent 1.5 12V Turbo Common Rail 2000-04 Mot. D3EA 157

Elantra 2.0 16V Common Rail Mot. D4EA 157

Trajet 2.0 16V Common Rail Mot. D4EA 157

Galloper 2.5 Turbo Mot. D4BH 157

Santa Fe 2.0 16V Common Rail Mot. D4EA 157

Terracan 2.9 16V Common Rail 4×4 Mot. J3 158

Starex 2.5 Turbo 80CV 97-04 Mot. D4BF 158

H 100 Bomba Bosch 93-98 Mot. D4BA 158

H 100 Bomba Lucas 93-98 Mot. D4BX 158

H 100 98-01 Mot. D4BF 158


Tractor Agrícola 353 Mot. D155 159

Tractor Agrícola 423 Mot. D 155 159

Tractor Agrícola 453 Mot. D 155 159

Tractor Agrícola 624 Mot. D 206 159

Tractor Agrícola 654 Mot. D 206 159


Tractor I. H. 745 S Mot. D 239 160


Trooper 3.0 D Turbo 98-00 Mot. 4JX1 161

Trooper 3.1 TD 92-98 Mot. 4JG2TC 161


Daily 35.8.1 / 40.8.1 89-96 Mot. 8140.07.27 162

Daily 35.10.1 / 49.10.1 89-96 Mot. 8140.27 162

Daily A40.10.1 / A45.10.1 91-96 Mot. 8140.27.27 162

Daily 35.12 91-96 Mot. 8140.47.27 162

Daily 49.12 / 59.12 91-96 Mot. 8140.47.27 162

Daily 30 / 35 / 40-8 90-96 Mot. 8140.07 163

Daily 35 / 40 / 45 94-96 Mot. 8140.97 163

Daily 30 / 40 / 45 / 49 94-96 Mot. 8140.27S 163

Daily 30 / 40 / 45 / 49 94-96 Mot. 8140.47R 163

Daily 30.8 / 35.8 / 40.8 96-00 Mot. 8140.67F 163

Turbo Daily 49 / 59.12 94-96 Mot. 8140.47 164

Daily 30.10 – 35.10 / 40.10 – 45.10 / 49.10 96-00 Mot. 8140.23 164

New Daily Mot. 8140.43 164

45.10 / 49.10 (96′) Mot. 8140 23 164

Daily C 2.8 85CV Mot. 8140.63 164

Daily C 2.8 106CV Mot. 8140.43C 165

Daily C 2.8 125CV Mot. 8140.43S 165

50.10 / 60.10 / 65.10 / 79.10 Mot. 8340.04 165

60.11 / 65.12 / 79.12 Mot. 8040­25R 165

Eurocargo Tector 4 cilindros 130CV Mot. FA AE0481D 165

Eurocargo Tector 4 cilindros 150CV Mot. FA AE0481C 166

Eurocargo Tector 4 cilindros 170CV Mot. FA AE0481A 166

Eurocargo Tector 6 cilindros 180CV Mot. FA AE0681E 166

Eurocargo Tector 6 cilindros 210CV Mot. FA AE0681D 166

Eurocargo 60 E.10 / 65 E.10 Mot. 8040.25B 166

Eurocargo 60 E.14 / 65 E.14 / 75 E.14 Euro II Mot. 8040.45 167

Eurocargo 65 E 12 / 65 E 12 K Mot. 8040.25 167

Eurocargo 75 E 12 Mot. 8040.25 167

Eurocargo 80 E 15 / 15 K / 80 E 15 K / KR 95-97 Mot. 8060.25R 167

Eurocargo 85 E 15 / 15 R / 85 E 15 K / KR 95-97 Mot. 8060.25R 167

Eurocargo 100 E 15 / 15 R / 100 E 15 K / KR Mot. 8060.25R 168

Eurocargo 80 E 18 / 18 R / 80 E 18 K / KR 97-02 Mot. 8060.25V 168

Eurocargo 85 E 18 / 18 R / 85 E 15 K / KR 97-02 Mot. 8060.25V 168

Eurocargo 100 E 18 / 18 R / 100 E 18 K / KR 97-03 Mot. 8060.25V 168

Eurocargo 80 E 21 / 21 R 97-03 Mot. 8060.45 168

Eurocargo 85 E 21 / 21 R 97-03 Mot. 8060.45 169

Eurocargo 100 E 21 / 21 R 97-03 Mot. 8060.45 169

Eurocargo 120 E 15 97-03 Mot. 8060.25R 169

Eurocargo 130 E 15 97-03 Mot. 8060.25R 169

Eurocargo 150 E 15 97-03 Mot. 8060.25R 169

Eurocargo 120 E 18 97-03 Mot. 8060.25V 170

Eurocargo 130 E 18 95-97 Mot. 8060.25V 170

Eurocargo 150 E 18 97-03 Mot. 8060.25V 170

Eurocargo 120 E 23 97-03 Mot. 8060.45S 170

Eurocargo 130 E 23 97-03 Mot. 8060.45S 170

Eurocargo 150 E 23 97-03 Mot. 8060.45S 171

Eurocargo 260 E 23 T 97-03 Mot. 8060.45S 171

Eurocargo 150 E 27 97-03 Mot. 8360.46 171

Eurocargo 320 E 27 T 97-03 Mot. 8360.46 171

Cargo 60 / 65 E10 / 100 E15 92-98 Mot. 8040.25 171

Cargo 60 / 65 / 75 E12 / 80 / 100 E18 92-98 Mot. 8040.25 172

Cargo 60 / 65 / 75 E14 92-98 Mot. 8040.45 172

Cargo 75 / 80 E15 / 100 E15 92-98 Mot. 8060.25 172

Cargo 80 / 100 E18 92-98 Mot. 8060.25 172

Cargo 1218 / 1418 / 1718 Mot. Cu 6 BTA 172

Cargo 21 Mot. Cu 6 CT 173

EuroTech 270CV Mot. Cursor 8C 173

EuroTech 310CV Mot. Cursor 8B 173

EuroTech 352CV Mot. Cursor 8A 173

EuroTech 240CV Mot. Cursor 8D 173

EuroTech 273CV Mot. Cursor 8E 174

EuroTech 218CV Mot. Cursor 8F 174

EuroTech 180 / 240 / 260 / 400 Mot. 8460.41L/N 174

EuroTech 180 / 190 / 240 / 260 Mot. 8210.42L 174

EuroTech MT 190 E 24 / MT 190 E 24 K Mot. 8360.46 R 174

EuroTech MT 190E 27 / MT 190E 27 K / MT 190E 27 KR Mot. 8360.46 175

EuroTech MT 325 E 27 T Mot. 8360.46 175

EuroTech MT 190 E 30 Mot. 8460.41 C 175

EuroTech MT 400 E 30 Mot. 8460.41 C 175

EuroTech MP 190 E 34 Mot. 8460.41 K 175

EuroTech MP 400 E 34 / MP 440 E 34 Mot. 8460.41 K 176

EuroTech MP 190 E 38 / MP 190 E 42 Mot. 8460.41 L 176

EuroTech MP 240 E 38 P Mot. 8460.41 L 176

EuroTech MP 440 E 38 / MP 440 E 42 Mot. 8460.41 L 176

EuroTech MP 190 E 42 Mot. 8210.42 L 176

EuroTech MP 440 E 42 Mot. 8210.42 L 177

EuroTech 180/190 E 30 / 400 E30 92-98 Mot. 8460.41 177

EuroTech 180 E 34 / 400 E34 92-98 Mot. 8460.41 177

EuroTech 180/190/240 E 42 / 260/400/440 E42 92-98 Mot. 8210.42 177

EuroTech Cursor 8 Mot. F2BE0681/A 177

EuroTech Cursor 8 Mot. F2BE0681/B 178

EuroTech Cursor 8 Mot. F2BE0681/C 178

EuroTech Cursor 8 Mot. F2BE0681/D 178

EuroTech Cursor 8 Mot. F2BE0681/E 178

EuroTech Cursor 8 Mot. F2BE0681/E 178

EuroStar Cursor 10 430CV Mot. F3AE0681D 179

EuroStar Cursor 10 390CV Mot. F3AE0681E 179

EuroStar Cursor 10 400CV Mot. F3AE0681B 179

EuroStar Mot. 8280-42 179

EuroStar MP 190 E38 / MP 240 E38 / MP 400 E38 / MP 440 E38 Mot. 8460-41L 179

EuroStar MP 190 E42 / MP 240 E42 P / MP 440 E42 T-PT Mot. 8210-42L 180

EuroStar 470 Mot. 8210.42 M 180

EuroStar 190 / 240 / 260 / 400 Mot. 8460.41N 180

EuroStar 190 / 240 / 260 / 400 Mot. 8210.42M 180

EuroStar 190 / 240 / 260 / 400 Mot. 8280.42S 180

EuroTrakker (E30) 3020-3094 Mot. 8460.41C 181

EuroTrakker (E34) 4004-4108 Mot. 8460.41K 181

EuroTrakker (E37) 3000-3790 Mot. 8210.42K 181

Stralis Cursor 13 440CV Mot. C440 CH 181

Stralis Cursor 13 480CV Mot. E480 CH 181

Stralis Cursor 13 540CV Mot. A540 CH 182


520-50 Mot. Perkins 1004.HR 183

520-55 Mot. Perkins 1004.4 183

526-S Turbo Mot. Perkins 1004.4T 183


Jeep Cherokee 2.1 D Turbo B. Roto Diesel 91 Mot. J8S­800 184

Jeep Cherokee 2.1 D Bomba Bosch 92 Mot. J8S­814 184

Jeep Cherokee 2.5 D Turbo 93-96 Mot. 425 CLIRS 184

Jeep Cherokee 2.5 D Turbo 97-00 Mot. 425 CLIRX 184

Jeep Cherokee 2.5 CRD 2001-03 Mot. CRD 140CV 185

Jeep Gran Cherokee 2.5 D Turbo 97-00 Mot. 425 CLIRX 185

Jeep Gran Cherokee 3.1 D Turbo 99-03 Mot. 531C1EW 185


Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. 3029 DRT 186

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. 4039 DRT 186

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. 4045 DRT 186

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. 4039 DRT 186

Tractor 820 Mot. 3152 DL01 186

Tractor 920 Mot. 3152 DL02 187

Tractor 940 Mot. 3179 DL05 187

Tractor 1140 Mot. 3179 DL01 187

Tractor 1640 Mot. 4239 187

Tractor 1840 Mot. 4239 187

Tractor 2020 Mot. 4202 DL01 188

Tractor 2040 Mot. 4239 188

Tractor 2140 Mot. 4239 TL03 188

Tractor 2250 Mot. 4239 DI009 188

Tractor 3040 Mot. 6359 DL06 188

Tractor 3050 Mot. 6359 DL008 189

Tractor 3120 Mot. 6303 DL01 189

Tractor 4040 Mot. 6359 TL01 189

4219 DL 01 Mot. 4219 DL01 189

4239 DL Mot. 4239 DL 189

4239 TL Mot. 4239 TL 190

Tractor 4455 Mot. 6076 TRW05 190

Tractor 6010 Mot. 4045DL050 190

Tractor 6100 Mot. 4045 D 190

Tractor 6110 Mot. 4045TL050 / 4045TL58 190

Tractor 6200 Mot. 4039TL 191

Tractor 6210 Mot. 4045TL059 / 4045TL51 191

Tractor 6300 Mot. 4039TL003/006 191

Tractor 6310 Mot. 4045TL060 / 4045TL052 191

Tractor 6400 Mot. 4045TL 001/003 191

Tractor 6410 Mot. 4045TL061 / 4045TL053 192

Tractor 6506 Mot. 6058T 192

Tractor 6510 Mot. 6068DL050 192

Tractor 6600 Mot. 6059TL001 192

Tractor 6610 Mot. 6068TL050 192

Tractor 6800 Mot. 6068TL001 193

Tractor 6900 Mot. 6068TL002 193

Tractor 6810 Mot. 92 kW 193

Tractor 6910 Mot. 99 kW 193

Tractor 7600 Mot. 6.8 193

Tractor 7700 Mot. 7.6 194

Tractor 7710 Mot. 6081 TRW 194

Tractor 7800 Mot. 7.6 194

Tractor 7810 Mot. 6081 TRW 194

Tractor 8100 160CV Mot. 6081HRW06 194

Tractor 8110 195CV Mot. 6081HRW11 195

Tractor 8200 180CV Mot. 6081HRW07 195

Tractor 8210 215CV Mot. 6081HRW13 195

Tractor 8300 200CV Mot. 6081HRW08 195

Tractor 8310 235CV Mot. 6081HRW15 195

Tractor 8400 225CV Mot. 6081HRW01.04 196

Tractor 8410 270CV Mot. 6081HRW17 196


Carnival 2.9 D 16V Turbo 99-00 Mot. J3 197

Carnival 2.9 D 16V Common Rail 2001-04 Mot. KJ 197

Sportage 2.0D Turbo 2001 Mot. RF­TCI 197

Pregio 2.6 Mot. J2 197


Tractor L 275 Mot. D 1302­A 198

Tractor L 345 Mot. V 1702­DA 198


Niva 4X4 Bomba Bosch Mot. XUD 9A 199

Niva 4X4 Bomba CAV Mot. XUD 9A 199

Niva 1.9 98 Mot. XUD 9 199


Tr. R 503 Mot. FL 1003/1 200

Tr. R 603 Mot. FL 1003/2 200

Tr. R 674-70 / R 674-70 G. Prix Mot. 1000.4­W 200

Tr. R 704 200

Tr. R 804 200

Tr. R 904 201

Tr. 1056 Mot. DA 986 / 3 201


Lybra 1.9 D Turbo 99-00 Mot. 32.302 202

Lybra 1.9 JTD 2001-04 Mot. 37101 202

Lybra 2.4 D Turbo 99-00 Mot. 839 A5.000 202

Lybra 2.4 JTD 2002-04 Mot. 839A6000 202

Dedra 1.9 TD 90-98 Mot. 835 A.4000 202

Dedra 1.9 TD Cat. 94-99 Mot. 160 D1.000 203

Delta Turbo 86-92 Mot. 831 D.1000 203

Delta Turbo 94-98 Mot. 835 A.4000 203

Delta Turbo 95-98 Mot. 160 D.000 203

Phedra 2.0 JTD 16V Mot. DW10ATED4 203

Phedra 2.2 JTD 16V Mot. DW12TED4 204

Prisma 1.9 86-91 Mot. 831 D.000 204

Prisma 1.9 Turbo 86-92 Mot. 831 D.1000 204

Thema Turbo 88-92 Mot. 8144.97 204

Thema Turbo 95 Mot. 8144.97Y 204

Thema 2.5 TD 94 Mot. 8144.97Y 205

Kappa 2.4 TD 94-00 Mot. 838 A3000 205

Kappa 2.4 D Turbo 98-01 Mot. 838 A8000 205

Z 2.1 TD Cat. 96-00 Mot. XUD11BTE.18C 205

Z 2.0 JTD 16V 2000-02 Mot. XUD10ATED/L3 205


Freelander 2.9 D Turbo 97-00 Mot. 20T 206

Freelander 2.0 TD4 4×4 2000-04 Mot. TD4 206

90 / 110 2.5 D 85-92 Mot. 12J 206

90 / 110 2.5 TD 87-92 Mot. Turbo Diesel 206

90 / 110 2.5 Tdi 92-94 Mot. 200 Tdi 206

Discovery 2.5 Tdi 90-94 Mot. 11L 207

Discovery 2.5 Tdi 94-98 Mot. 300 Tdi 207

Discovery Serie II 2.5 D Turbo 98-02 Mot. TD5 207

Defender 90 Mot. 11 L 207

Defender 110 Mot. 16 L 207

Defender 130 Mot. 11 L 208

Defender 90/110 2.5 TDi 99-03 Mot. TD5 208

Range Rover 2.4 Turbo 86-92 Mot. HR492HI 208

Range Rover 2.5 Tdi 93-94 Mot. 200 TDi 208

Range Rover 2.5 Tdi 94-95 Mot. 300 Tdi 208

Range Rover 2.5 DT Turbo 94-02 Mot. 100 kW 209

Range Rover 2.9 TD6 24V Common Rail Mot. TD6 209


Legend 105 Mot. 1006.6HR 4 210

Legend 115 Mot. 1006.6HR 3 210

Legend 130 Mot. 1006.6TLR2 210

Legend 145 Mot. 1006.6THR2 210

Legend 165 Mot. 1006.6TMR4 210

Legend 120 Tecno Top Deltashift Mot. 1006-60T 211

Legend 130 Tecno Top Deltashift Mot. 1006-60T 211

Legend 140 Tecno Top Deltashift Mot. 1006-60T 211

Legend 160 Tecno Top Deltashift Mot. 1006-60TW 211

Legend 180 Tecno Top Deltashift Mot. 1006-60TA 211


LDAL 75 Mot. 75 212

LDAL 80 Mot. 80 212

LDA 450 / LDA 451 Mot. 450­451 212

LDA 510 Mot. 510 212

LDA 78 Mot. 78 212

LDA 78/2 Mot. 78/2 213

LDA 90 Mot. 90 213

LDA 90 / 2 Mot. 90/2 213

LDA 91 Mot. 91 213

LDA 96 Mot. 96 213

LDA 100 Mot. 100 214

LDA 820 Mot. 820 214

LDA 672 / LDAL 672 Mot. 672 214

LDA 673 / LDAL 673 Mot. 673 214

LDA 674 / LDAL 674 Mot. 674 214

9 LD 561-2 Mot. 9 LD 561­2 215

9 LD 561-2L Mot. 9 LD 561­2L 215

9 LD 625-2 Mot. 9LD 625­2 215

904 Mot. 904 215

914 Mot. 914 215

L20 Mot. L20 216


AE 500 Mot. EE9 217

EE 9 Mot. EE9 «ACE» 217

MS 200 / MS 250 Mot. MIDR 06.02.26 217

MS 300 Mot. MIDR 06.02.26 217

CH 612 Mot. E7­350 217

CH 613 Mot. E7­350 218

Serie M-R 4X4 / 6X6 Mot. 3406B 218


TGA 460CV Mot. D2876 LF04 219

TGA 510CV Mot. D2876 LF05 219

TGA 310CV Mot. D2866 LF26 219

TGA 360CV Mot. D2866 LF27 219

TGA 410CV Mot. D2866 LF28 219

F 2000 Mot. D2865 LF22 220

F 2000 Mot. D2866 LF22 220

F 2000 Mot. D2876 LF02 220

F 2000 19.403 Mot. D2866 LF20 220

F 2000 19.463 / 26.463 / 32.463 Mot. D2867 LF2 220

L 2000 Mot. D0824 FL01 221

L 2000 Mot. D0826LFL03 221

L 2000 6.113 / 8.113 Mot. 6D0824LFL 221

L 2000 8.163 / 9.163 / 10.163 Mot. 6D0824LFL 221

M 2000 Mot. D0824LFL06 221

M 2000 Mot. D0826LFL03 222

M 2000 Mot. D0826LFL09 222

M 2000 Mot. D0826LF15 222

M 2000 Mot. D0826LF17 222

M 2000 Mot. D028.26L FL03 222

M 2000 Mot. D0824LF­06 223

M 2000 Mot. D082LF17 223

M 2000 18.264 / 14.264 Mot. D0826LFL 223

292 R /292 FR / 292 FRH Mot. D2866TUH 223

SR 362 H / 362 FRH Mot. D2866KUH 223

FR 422 H Mot. D2866LOH20 224

19/25.372 / 26/32.372 Mot. D2866 LF05 224

33/35.372 / 40/41.372 Mot. D2866 LF05 224

19.390 Mot. D2540 MTF 224

19/25.422 / 26/32.422 Mot. D2866 LF09 224

33/35.422 / 40/41.422 Mot. D2866 LF09 225

19/25.502 / 26/33.502 / 40.502 Mot. D2840 LF04 225

19.462 Mot. D2840 LF 225

23.343 / 26.343 / 32.343 Mot. D2865 LF21 225

SM II Mot. D0826 OH 225

SM 12 / NM 12 Mot. DO826 OH 02 226

SM 12 Mot. D0826 LOH02 226

D 2566 MT Mot. D2566 MT 226

D 2556 MX Mot. D2556 MX 226

Q 2566 M Mot. Q2566 M 226

M90 14.192 F13 / B F13SB / 14.192 F14 / F14SB / 14.192 FLT Mot. D 0826 TF 227

M90 14.192 F 13 / B F13SB / 14.192 F14 / F14SB / 14.192 FLT Mot. D0826 LF01 227

M90 12.232 F10 / FL10 / 14.232 F13 / FL13 Mot. D0826 LF 227

M90 14.232 FLT / 14.232 F14 / FL 14 Mot. D0826 LF 227

M90 17.232 F16 / FL16 17.232 F17 / FL17 / 17.232 F18 / FL18 Mot. D0826 LF02 227

F90 19 / 24.262 / 26.262 88-96 Mot. D2865 LF 228

F90 30.262 / 32.262 88-96 Mot. D2865 LF 228

F90 17.272 FTD / FD 91-95 Mot. D2865 LF02 228

F90 17 / 22 / 32.322 FLD / FT 90-95 Mot. D2865 LF03 228

F90 16 / 19 / 20 / 24 / 26 / 30.331/2 32.331/2 Mot. D2866 LF330 228

F90 17 / 22.372 / 26 / 32.372 90-95 Mot. D2866 LF03 229

F90 17 / 22.422 / 26 / 32.422 90-95 Mot. D2866 LF06 229

F90 17 / 22.502 90-95 Mot. D2840 LF04 229


MF 175 Mot. 4236 230

MF 340 Mot. AD 3152 230

MF 350 Mot. AD 3152 230

MF 355 Mot. AT 3152 230

MF 360 Mot. AT 3151 230

MF 362 Mot. A 4236 231

MF 375 Mot. A 4236 231

MF 383 Mot. A 42485 231

MF 390 Mot. A 4248 231

MF 399 Mot. A 63544 231

MF 399 Mot. 1006.6 232

MF 865 Mot. 4A 203 232

MF 2620 Mot. 6354.4 Standard 232

MF 2640 Mot. AT 6354.A 232

MF 2680 Mot. AT 6354.4 232

MF 3050 Mot. A 4236 233

MF 3085 Mot. 1006 233

MF 3095 Mot. 1006 233

MF 3115 Mot. 1006 233

MF 3125 Mot. 1006 T 233

MF 3635 Mot. 1006 6T 234

MF 3645 Mot. 1006 6T 234

MF 3655 Mot. 1006 TWG 234

MF 3670 Mot. Valmet 620 DS 234

MF 3680 Mot. Valmet 612 DS 234

MF 3690 (Hasta 1993) Mot. Valmet 612 DS 235

MF 3690 (Desde 1994) Mot. Valmet 634 DS 235

MF 4325 Mot. 1004.40 235

MF 4335 Mot. 1004.42 235

MF 4345 Mot. 1004.40T 235

MF 4355 Mot. 1004.40T 236

MF 4365 Mot. 1004.40T 236

MF 4370 Mot. 1006.60T 236

MF 6130 Mot. 1004.4 TLR 236

MF 6140 Mot. 1004.4 T2 236

MF 6150 Mot. 1004.4 THR2 237

MF 6160 Mot. 1006.6 HR4 237

MF 6170 Mot. 1006.6 HR3 237

MF 6180 Mot. 1006.6 TLR2 237

MF 6235 75CV Mot. 1004-40T 237

MF 6245 85CV Mot. 1004-40T 238

MF 6255 95CV Mot. 1004-40T 238

MF 6265 105CV Mot. 1004-40T 238

MF 6260 Mot. 1004-6NA 238

MF 6270 Mot. 1006-60T 238

MF 6280 Mot. 1006-60T 239

MF 6290 Mot. 1006-60T 239

MF 8110 Mot. P. 31262 239

MF 8120 Mot. P. 31264 239

MF 8130 Mot. P. 31263 239

MF 8210 Turbo Mot. 1006-60TWG 240

MF 8220 Turbo Mot. 1006-60TWG 240

MF 8240 Turbo Mot. 620 DSRAE 240

MF 8250 Turbo Mot. 634 DWE 240

MF 8260 Turbo Mot. 634 DSBIE 240

MF 8270 Turbo Mot. 645 DSBIE 241

MF 8280 Turbo Mot. 645 DSBIE 241


121 1.8 D Cat. 95-98 Mot. RTJ 242

121 1.8 D (Con Servodirección) Cat. 95-98 Mot. RTJ 242

323 1.7 TD 95-98 Mot. 4EE1­T 242

323 D 89-94 Mot. PN 242

323 2.0 71CV Diesel 98-00 Mot. RF 242

323 2.0 90CV Turbo 98-01 Mot. RF 243

626 D 2.0 Bomba Kiki 87-95 Mot. RF­CX 243

626 D 2.0 Bomba Zexel 93-95 Mot. RF­CX 243

626 D 2.0 Turbo 97-01 Mot. Direco­D 243

Premacy 2.0 D Turbo Cat. 99-01 Mot. 74 kW 243

Mazda 2 1.4 Turbo Common Rail 2002-04 Mot. F6JA 244

Mazda 6 2.0 16V Turbo 136CV Common Rail 2002-04 Mot. MZR-CD 244

Mazda 6 2.0 16V Turbo 136CV Common Rail 2002-04 Mot. MZR-CD 244

E 2200 D 2.2 85-92 Mot. R2 244

B 2200 D 2.2 85-93 Mot. R2 244

B 2500 2.5 98-02 Mot. WL 245

B 2500 2.5 Turbo 98-02 Mot. WL Turbo 245

MPV 2.5 TD 95-98 Mot. WL 245


A 160 CDI (168) Mot. 668.941 246

A 170 CDI (168) Mot. 668.940 246

190 D 2.0 85-93 Mot. 601.911 246

190 D 2.5 86-93 Mot. 602.911 246

190 D 2.5 Turbo 88-93 Mot. 602.961 246

200 D 85-94 Mot. 601.912 247

C 200 D (202) Mot. 601.913 247

C 200 D (202) 96-97 Mot. 604.915 247

C 200 CDI 2.2 16V Turbo 98-00 Mot. OM611960 247

C 200 CDI 16V (203) Mot. 611.962 247

C 220 D (202) 93-98 Mot. 604.910 248

C 220 D (202) 93-98 Mot. OM 604.910 248

C 220 D Sport (202) 93-98 Mot. OM 604.910 248

C 220 CDI 2.2 16V Turbo (202) 98-00 Mot. OM 611 248

C 220 CDI 16V (203) Mot. 611.962 248

C 250 D (202) 93-98 Mot. 605.910 249

C 250 D Turbo Esprit (202) 95-99 Mot. OM 605.960 249

C 250 TD Sport 2.5 20V Turbo (202) 95-99 Mot. OM 605 LA 249

C 270 CDI 2.7 (203) 2000-03 Mot. 612.962 249

CLK 270CDI (209) Mot. 612.967 249

E 200 D (124) 93-95 Mot. 601.912 250

E 200 CDI 2.1 16V Turbo (210) Mot. 611.961 250

E 200 CDI 16V (211) Mot. 646.951 250

E 200 D (210) 96-97 Mot. 604.917 250

E 220 CDI 16V (211) Mot. 646.961 250

E 220 D (210) 95-98 Mot. OM 604.912 251

E 220 D Sport (210) Mot. OM 604.912 251

E 250 D 93-96 Mot. 602.912 251

E 250 D Turbo Mot. 602.912 251

E 250 D (210) 95-98 Mot. 605.912 251

E 270 CDI 20V (211) Mot. 647.961 252

E 290 D Turbo (210) 95-98 Mot. OM 602.982 252

E 290 D Turbo Sport (210) 95-98 Mot. OM 602.982 252

E 300 D (210) 95-97 Mot. OM 606.912 252

E 300 D (124) 93-96 Mot. 603.912 252

E 300 D (124) 93-96 Mot. 606.910 253

E 300 D Turbo (124) 93-96 Mot. 603.963 253

E 300 D (210) 93-96 Mot. OM 606.912 253

E 300 D Sport (210) 95-97 Mot. OM 606.912 253

E 300 D Turbo (210) 97-00 Mot. OM 606.962 253

E 300 D Turbo Sport (210) 95-97 Mot. OM 606.962 254

E 320 CDI 24V Sport (211) Mot. 648.961 254

E 400 CDI 24V Sport (211) Mot. 628.961 254

250 D (124) 85-93 Mot. 602.912 254

250 D Turbo 88-93 Mot. 602.962 254

300 D 4Matic 87-93 Mot. 603.912 255

300 D / TD (124) 93 Mot. 606.910 255

207 D / 307 D / 407 D Mot. OM 616 255

208 D / 308 D 95-98 Mot. 601.943 255

208 / 308 88-95 Mot. OM 601 255

208 D / 308 D / 408 D Mot. OM 601.940 256

209 D / 309 D / 409 D Mot. 617.912 256

210-212 / 310-312 / 410 Turbo Mot. OM 602 LA 256

210 D / 310 D / 410 D Mot. OM 602.940 256

212 D / 312 D / 412 D 95-98 Mot. 602.980 256

G 300 TD Mot. OM 606.964 257

ML 270 CDI (163) Mot. 612.963 257

S 300 D Turbo (140) 96-03 Mot. OM 606.962 257

S 350 D Turbo (140) 93-98 Mot. 603.971 257

MB 100 D 87-97 Mot. OM 616.963 257

Sprinter CDI 208-308-408 82CV Mot. OM 611 DELA 258

Sprinter CDI 211-311-411 109CV Mot. OM 611 DELA 258

Sprinter CDI 213-313-413 129CV Mot. OM 611 DELA 258

Sprinter CDI 216-316-416 156CV Mot. OM 612 DELA 258

Sprinter 208 / 308 Mot. OM 601943 258

Sprinter 212 / 213 (‘10.995) Mot. OM 602DE 29 LA 259

Sprinter 212 / 312 (10.995’) Mot. OM 602 DE 29 LA 259

Sprinter 210 D / 310 D 97-99 Mot. OM 602 DE29LA 259

Sprinter 212 D / 312 D / 412 D 95-99 Mot. OM 602 DE29LA 259

V200 CDI (638) 99-03 Mot. 611.980 259

V220 CDI (638) 99-03 Mot. 611.980 260

V 230 TD Mot. 601 D23LA 260

Vito 108 CDI 82CV Mot. OM 611 DELA 260

Vito 110 CDI 102CV Mot. OM 611 DELA 260

Vito 112 CDI 129CV Mot. OM 611 DELA 260

Vito 108D Mot. OM 601942 261

Vito 108D Turbo Mot. OM 601970 LA 261

Vito 110 D Mot. OM 601970 LA 261

Vito 180 D Mot. OM 601942 261

Actros 541.920 313CV Mot. OM 501 LA 261

Actros 541.922 354CV Mot. OM 501 LA 262

Actros 541.923 394CV Mot. OM 501 LA 262

Actros 541.925 428CV Mot. OM 501 LA 262

Actros 1831 L/LS / 2531 L/LS Mot. OM501LA.11/1 262

Actros 1840 L/LS / 2540 L/LS Mot. OM501LA.11/3 262

Actros 1843 L/LS / 2543 L/LS Mot. OM501LA.11/4 263

Actros 1835 L/LS / 2535 L/LS Mot. OM501LA.11/2 263

Actros 1853 L/LS / 2543 L/LS Mot. OM501LA.11/2 263

Actros 1857 L/LS / 2557 L/LS Mot. OM502LA.11/3 263

Actros 1848 L/LS / 2548 L/LS Mot. OM502LA.11/1 263

Atego 122CV Mot. OM904LA.922 264

Atego 152CV Mot. OM904LA.922 264

Atego 170CV Mot. OM904LA.922 264

Atego 231CV Mot. OM906LA 264

Atego 279CV Mot. OM906LA 264

Cityliner 177 kW Mot. OM 366 LA 265

Cityliner 121 kW Mot. OM 366 A 265

Euro II 817 / 927 / 1217 100 kW Mot. OM904LA 265

Euro II 817 / 927 / 1217 121 kW Mot. OM 366AVII/1 265

Euro II 1120 / 1320 / 1420 155 kW Mot. OM 366AVII/4 265

Euro II 1124 / 1224 / 1324 177 kW Mot. OM 366AVIII/4 266

Euro II 1827 Mot. OM 441 LA.IV/1 266

Euro II 1831 Mot. OM 441 LA.IV/1 266

Euro II 1838 / 2538 / 3238 Mot. OM 442 LA 266

609 D 86-94 Mot. 364.906 266

614 D 87-95 Mot. 364.980 267

709 / 809 84-99 Mot. OM 364 267

711 D / 811 D 86-94 Mot. 364.950 267

814 / L 914 84-94 Mot. OM 366 267

1214 / 1114 84-92 Mot. OM 366 267

1222 / 1622 / 1422 / 1922 Mot. OM 421 268

1222 / 1622 / 0303 / 1422 / 1922 / 1621 / 2421 / 2222 Mot. OM 421 268

1222 / 1422 / 1722 / 1922 90-98 Mot. 441.905 268

L 1313 K 84-92 Mot. OM 366 268

1414 K / 1614 K 84-94 Mot. OM 366 268

1417 / 1617 Mot. OM 366 A 269

1420 / 1620 / 2220 Mot. OM 366 LA 269

1425 / 1625 / 2025 / 3025 / 2225 Mot. OM 422 269

1426 / 1726 89-92 Mot. 442.914 / 922 269

1524 Mot. OM 366 LA 269

1622 Mot. OM 441 CH 270

1625 Mot. OM 422 III 270

1628 / 2228 / 1928 / 2628 Mot. OM 442 I 270

1628 / 2228 / 1928 / 3028 Mot. OM 442 CH 270

1628 / 2028 / 2628 / 2228 / 3028 / 3328 / 1928 Mot. OM 422 270

1633 / 1933 Mot. OM 422 A 271

1635 / 2235 / 1935 / 3335 Mot. OM 422 A 271

1638 / 2238 / 1938 / 2638 Mot. 422 LA 271

1644 Mot. OM 422 LA 271

1644 / 1944 / 2244 / 2644 Mot. 422.951 / 3 271

1729 / 2429 88-92 Mot. OM 422 272

1733 89-91 Mot. 441.960 272

1735 / 2435 88-91 Mot. OM 422 A 272

1748 / 2448 88-92 Mot. OM 422 LA 272

1824 Mot. OM 401 LAIII 272

1827 / 2527 Mot. OM 401 LAIV 273

1831 / 2531 / 2631 Mot. OM 401 LAV 273

1834 / 2534 / 3234 Mot. OM 441 LAI 273

1838 / 2038 / 2538 / 2638 / 3538 / 3238 Mot. OM 402 LAI/2 273

1844 / 1644 / 2544 / 2644 Mot. OM 442 LA 273

1850 / 2550 / 2650 Mot. OM 442 LA 274

LP-LP 1926 / 1926 S / 2626 K Mot. OM 402 274

1928 A – AS – L – K – S Mot. OM 422 274

1929 / 2629 Mot. OM 442 274

1933 Mot. OM 422 A 274

1935 Mot. OM 442 A 275

1935 / 2635 Mot. OM 442 A 275

L 200 86-95 Mot. 4D 56 284

L 200 2.5 D 97 Mot. 4D 56 284

L 200 4X4 86-94 Mot. 4D 56 284

L 200 2.5 TD 4×4 97-99 Mot. 4D 56 T 284

L 300 2.3 D 87-98 Mot. 4D 55 285

L 300 2.5 D 87-99 Mot. 4D 56 285

Motor K3F-D Diversas Aplicaciones Mot. K3F­D 285

Motor K4F-D Diversas Aplicaciones Mot. K4F­D 285

Motor K4F-DT Diversas Aplicaciones Mot. K4F­DT 285


AKD 1105 Mot. AKD 286

KD 1105 Mot. KD 286

AKD 1105 Mot. AKD 1105 286

KD 1105 Mot. KD 1105 286

D 226-3.2 Tr. Renault 61-12 RS / 61-14 RS Mot. D.226­3.2 286

D 226.4 Tr. Renault 95-12 TX / RS 95-14 TX / RS Mot. 226­4 287

D 226.4 Tr. Renault R751-S/4S 75-12 TS / RS / 75-14 TS / RS Mot. D 226­4 287

D 226-4 Tr. Fendt 105 S / LS Mot. D 226­4 287

TD 226 B6 Tr. Fendt Favorit 611 S Mot. TD 226 B6 287

TD 226-4 Tr. Renault 103-12 TX / RS 103-14 TX / RS Mot. TD 226­4 287

TD 226.4.2 Tr. Renault 851 / 851-4 Mot. TD.226 288

D 226-6.2 Tr. Fendt Favorit 611 LS Mot. D 226­6.2 288

D 226.6.2 Tr. Fendt Favorit 612 LS Mot. D 226­6.2 288

D 227-4 Tr. Renault R651 / R651S / 4S R652 R656 / S Mot. D 227.4 288

D 227-4 Tr. Renault R681 / S R681-4 / 4S Mot. D 227.4 288

D 227-6.2 Tr. Fendt 600 LS Mot. D 227­6.2 289

D 227-6.2 Tr. Fendt 610 LS Mot. D 227­6.2 289

TD 228.6 Tr. Renault 1451.4 Mot. TD 228­6 289

TD 228-6.2 Tr. Renault 145-14 / TX 16 / TZ 16

145-54 / TX 16 / TZ 16 / TA 16 Mot. TD 228­6.2 289

D 322-3 Tr. Renault R 7050 / R 7150 Mot. D 322.3 289

D 325-3 Tr. Renault 56 / 51 / 60 / 70 Mot. D 325.3 290

D 325-3 Tr. Renault 80-86 Mot. D 325.3 290

D 325-4 Tr. Renault R 91 / R 94 Mot. D 325.4 290


Tractor 5610 291

Tractor 5640 291

Tractor 6610 291

Tractor 6640 291

Tractor 7610 291

Tractor 7710 292

Tractor 7740 292

1944 Mot. OM 442 LA 275

1936 / 2636 / 3336 Mot. OM 4231 275

1936 Mot. 443.940 275

1936 / 2236 / 2636 / 1636 / 2036 81-90 Mot. OM 423 276

1938 / 2238 / 2638 Mot. OM 422 LA 276

1938 Mot. OM 422 LA 276

1948 Mot. OM 422 LA 276

2429 88-92 Mot. 442.923 276

2433 89-91 Mot. 441.960 277

3250 Mot. 443.980 277

0 303 Mot. OM 402 LA 277

0 303 Mot. OM 442 I 277

0 303 Mot. OM 442 A 277

0 309 DG Mot. OM 352 278

0 404 Mot. OM 441 LA 278

0 405 (150 kW) Mot. OM 447 278

0 405 (177 kW) Mot. OM 447 278

0 405 (184 kW) Mot. OM 447 A 278

0 405 G (206 kW) Mot. OM 447 279

0 405 G (220 kW) Mot. OM 447 LA 279

Tractor MB 90 Mot. OM 314 A 279

Tractor MB 65-70 / 700 / 700 S Mot. OM 314 279

Tractor MB 700 K Mot. OM 314 279

Tractor MB 800 Mot. OM 314 280

Tractor MB 1000 Mot. OM 352 280

Tractor MB 1100 Mot. OM 352 280

Tractor MB 1300 (Desde mot. 694800) Mot. OM 352 A 280


ZR 2.0 Turbo 2001-04 Mot. 20 T 281

ZS 2.0 Turbo 2001-04 Mot. 20 T 281


Pajero Montero 2.5 D Turbo 91-00 Mot. 4D 56 282

Pajero Montero 2.8 D Turbo 94-00 Mot. 4M 40 282

Pajero Montero 2.5 TD Sport Mot. 4D56T 282

Pajero Montero 3.2 16V 2001-04 Mot. 4M 41 282

Lancer / Colt 1800 D 90-92 Mot. 4D 65 282

Lancer S. Wagon 2000 D 92-97 Mot. 4D 68 283

Galant 1.8 D Turbo 88-92 Mot. 4D 65 283

Galant 2.0 TD 97-98 Mot. 4D 68T 283

Carisma 1.9 TD 97-98 Mot. F8QT 283

Space Wagon Turbo 91-95 Mot. 4D 65T 283

Space Wagon 2.0 D Turbo 92-97 Mot. 4D 68T 284

Tractor 7840 292

Tractor 8240 292

Tractor 8340 292

Tractor 8530 TW 5 293

Tractor 8630 TW 15 293

Tractor 8670 G 170 / 170 HP 293

Tractor 8730 TW 25 293

Tractor 8770 G 190 190 HP 293

Tractor 8830 TW 35 294

Tractor 8870 G 210 294

Tractor 8970 G 240 294

Cosechadora TX 30 Hidr. TX 32 Mot. Ford 666 HT 294

Cosechadora TX 30 Mecan. Mot. 666 HT 294

Cosechadora TX 34 Mot. Ford 678 HT 295

Cosechadora TX 36 Hidr. Mot. Ford 678 HTA 295

Fiatagri M100 Mot. 75 kW 295

Fiatagri M115 Mot. 86 kW 295

Fiatagri M135 Mot. 101 kW 295

Fiatagri M160 Mot. 119 kW 296

Ford 8160 Mot. 75 kW 296

Ford 8260 Mot. 86 kW 296

Ford 8360 Mot. 101 kW 296

Ford 8560 Mot. 119 kW 296

L 75 Mot. 8045.05 R 297

TS80 Mot. CNH 4987 297

TS90 Mot. CNH 4987 297

TS90 Mot. CNH 4987 297

TS100 Turbo Mot. CNH 4987 297

TS110 Turbo Mot. CNH 4987 298

TL70 65CV Mot. 8045.06R 298

TL80 75CV Mot. 8045.05R 298

TL90 85CV Mot. 8045.25 298

TL100 95CV Mot. 8045.25K 298

TM115 116CV Mot. 675TH 299

TM125 126CV Mot. 675WS 299

TM135 136CV Mot. 675WT 299

TM150 147CV Mot. 675WV 299

TM165 168CV Mot. 675WW 299

TN55 D y S Mot. 8035.05B231 300

TN65 D y S Mot. 8035.05R241 300

TN75 D y S Mot. 8035.25 231 300


Micra 1.5 D 98-01 Mot. TUD5 301

Micra 1.5 dCi Turbo (K-12) Common Rail 2003-04 Mot. K9K 301

Almera 1.5 dCi Turbo (NIE) Common Rail 2000-04 Mot. K9K 301

Almera 2.0 D (N15) 96-00 Mot. CD20E 301

Almera Tino 2.2 16V Turbo 2000-04 Mot. YD22T 301

Primera 2.0 D 91-96 Mot. CD 20 302

Primera 2.0 Turbo 96 Mot. CD 20 T 302

Primera 2.2 Turbo (P12) Common Rail 2002-04 Mot. YD22 DTi 302

Pick-up 2.5 (D21) 90-98 Mot. TD25 302

Pick-up 2.5 D 4×4 (D21) 90-98 Mot. TD25 302

Pick-up 2.5 D (D22) 98-01 Mot. TD25 303

Pick-up 2.5 D 4×4 (D22) 98-01 Mot. TD25Ti 303

Serena 2.0 D 92-94 Mot. LD 20-11 303

Serena 2.3 D 94-02 Mot. LD 23 303

Sunny 1.7 92-96 Mot. CD 17 303

Sunny 2.0 91-95 Mot. CD 20 304

Patrol 2.8 Mot. A4.28 304

Patrol 2.8 Turbo Diesel Mot. A4.28 T 304

Patrol GR 2.8 TD 91 Mot. RD 28 T 304

Patrol 4.20 Turbo (7×15) 92-98 Mot. TD 42 304

Patrol GR 3.0 16V Turbo 2000-04 Mot. ZD30DDTi (Neo Di) 305

Terrano Turbo 90-92 Mot. TD 27 T 305

Terrano II 2.7 TD 93-95 Mot. TD 27 T 305

Terrano II 2.7 TD 93-95 Mot. TD 27 Ti 305

Terrano II 2.7 Turbo 96-04 Mot. TD 27 Ti 305

X-Trail 2.2 16V Turbo Common Rail Mot. YD22ETi 306

Vanette 2.0 (C22) 90-96 Mot. LD20-II 306

Vanette Cargo 2.3 D 95-02 Mot. LD 23 C 306

Cabstar 2.3 2000-04 Mot. LD 23 306

Cabstar 2.5 92-00 Mot. TD 25 306

Cabstar 2.7 TD 2000-04 Mot. TD 27 T 307

Cabstar E 110 Mot. BD-30 Ti 307

Cabstar E 120 Mot. BD-30 Ti 307

Interstar 1.9 2002-04 Mot. F9Q 772i 307

Interstar 2.2 2002-04 Mot. G9T 722 308

Interstar 2.5 2002-04 Mot. G9U 720 308

Primaster 1.9 82CV 2002-04 Mot. F9Q 760 308

Primaster 1.9 100CV 2002-04 Mot. F9Q 760 308


C03.70 Tr. Fiat Someca 750 Bomba Bosch Mot. C03.70 309

C03.70 Tr. Fiat Someca 750 Bomba Sigma Mot. C03.70 309

C03.80 Mot. C03.80 309

C0130 D70 Mot. C0130 D70 309

C03/75 Tr. Fiat Someca 880 / 880 DT Mot. C03 / 75 309


Corsa (Nova) 1.5 D 93-96 Mot. 15 D (4EC1) 310

Corsa 1.5 D Turbo 97-00 Mot. X15DT 310

Corsa A Turbo Diesel 88-93 Mot. T4 EC 1 310

Corsa (Nova) 1.5 TD 93-96 Mot. 15DT (T.4EC1) 310

Corsa (Nova) 1.7 D 96 Mot. X17D (4EE1) 310

Corsa 1.7 D 97-00 Mot. X17D 311

Corsa Combo 1.7 93-96 Mot. 17 P (4EE1) 311

Corsa Combo 1.7 97-01 Mot. 17 P (4EE1) 311

Corsa Combo 775 Kg. 1.7 96-01 Mot. 17 P (4EE1) 311

Corsa C 1.7 16V 2000-04 Mot. Y 17 DTL 311

Corsa C 1.7 16V 75CV 2000-04 Mot. Y 17 DT 312

Astra 1.7 89-92 Mot. 17 DOHC 312

Astra 1.7 D 91-98 Mot. 17 D 312

Astra 1.7 D Turbo 98-00 Mot. X17DTL 312

Astra 1.7 TDS 91-98 Mot. X17DT (TC4EE1) 312

Astra 2.0 16V Turbo 98-00 Mot. X20DTL 313

Astra 2.0 16V Turbo 98-00 Mot. X20DTH 313

Astra G 1.7 DTI 16V Common Rail 75CV 2001-04 Mot. Y17DT 313

Astra G 2.0 16V 82CV 2002-04 Mot. X20DTL 313

Astra G 2.0 16V 101CV 2002-04 Mot. X20DTH 313

Astra G 2.2 16V 125CV 2002-04 Mot. Y22 DTR 314

Vectra 1.7 Turbo 92-95 Mot. 17 DT 314

Vectra B (Cavalier) 1.7 TD 94-95 Mot. X17 DT(TC4EE1) 314

Vectra B 2.0 16V Turbo 98-00 Mot. X20DTL 314

Vectra B 2.0 16V Turbo 97-00 Mot. X20DTH 314

Vectra C 2.0 DTi 16V 101CV 2002-04 Mot. Y20DTH 315

Vectra C 2.2 DTi 16V 125CV 2002-04 Mot. Y22DTR 315

Omega Diesel 2.3 91-94 Mot. 23YD 315

Omega 2.0 16V Turbo 94-99 Mot. X20DTH 315

Omega Turbo Diesel 90-94 Mot. 23 DTR 315

Omega 2.5 Turbo 96-00 Mot. X25TD 316

Omega (Carlton) 2.5 TD Cat. 96-01 Mot. X 25 DT 316

Omega 2.2 16V Turbo 120CV 2000-03 Mot. Y 22DTH 316

Omega 2.5 Turbo 150CV 2001-03 Mot. Y 25DT 316

Zafira 2.0 16V Turbo 99 Mot. X20DTL 316

Zafira 2.0 16V Turbo 101CV 2001-04 Mot. X20DTH 317

Zafira 2.2 16V Turbo 125CV 2001-04 Mot. Y22DTR 317

Frontera 2.2 16V Turbo 99-00 Mot. X 22 DTH 317

Frontera 2.3 TD Turbo 91-95 Mot. 23 DTR 317

Frontera 2.5 TD 97-98 Mot. VM 41B 317

Frontera 2.8 TD 95-96 Mot. 4JB1­TC 318

Monterey 3.0 Turbo Mot. 4JX1 318

Monterey 3.1 Turbo Diesel 92-98 Mot. 4 JG2 T 318

Brava / Campo 2.5 D 90-00 Mot. 4JA1 318

Brava / Campo 3.1 D 93-00 Mot. 4JG2 318

Arena 1.9 D Cat. 97-00 Mot. F8Q 319

Arena 2.5 D Cat. 97-00 Mot. S8U­758 319

Midi 2.0 TD 88-95 Mot. 4FC1 319

Midi 2.2 D 88-95 Mot. 4FD1 319

Midi 2.4 TD 95-98 Mot. 4FG1­T 319

Movano 2.5 D Cat. 98-00 Mot. S8U­770 320

Movano 2.8 TD Cat. 98-00 Mot. S9 W­702 320

Movano 1.9 DTi 99-01 Mot. F9Q770 320

Movano 2.2 DTi 2000-04 Mot. G9T720 320

Movano 2.5 DTi 2000-04 Mot. G9U 720 321

Movano 1.9 D Turbo 2000-04 Mot. F9Q772 321

Vivaro 1.9 DTi 2001-04 Mot. F9Q 760 321


9020 y derivados Mot. 9020 322

9040 y derivados Mot. 9040 322

9100 / 14 Mot. 9100 / 14 322

9100 / 50 y derivados Mot. 9100 / 50 322

9100 / 57 2217 4X4 Mot. 9100 / 57 322

9101 y derivados Mot. 9101 323

9105 y derivados Mot. 9105 323

9105 / 45 – 9105 / 47 y derivados Mot. 9105 / 45 / 47 323

9106 y derivados Mot. 9106 323

9107 y derivados Mot. 9107 323

9109 y derivados Mot. 9109 324

9130 y derivados Mot. 9130 324

9130 / 23 1214 Mot. 9130 / 23 324

9135 Mot. 9135 324

9135 / 1 Mot. 9135 / 1 324

9140 / 11 Mot. 9140 / 11 325

9152 / 2 Mot. 9152 / 2 325

9154 Mot. 9154 325

9156 1231 T / R Mot. 9156 325

9156 y derivados Mot. 9156 325

9156 / 5 Serie 1231 T / 1231 R Mot. 9156 / 5 326

9156 / 13 Serie 1231 T / 1231 R Mot. 9156 / 13 326

9156 / 26 5036 Mot. 9156 / 26 326

9156 / 43 6100 Mot. 9156 / 43 326

9156 / 73 1331 6X2 Mot. 9156 / 73 326

9156 / 73 2331 6X4 Mot. 9156 / 73 327

9157 Mot. 9157 327

9220 / 9222 y derivados Mot. 9220 / 9222 327

9220 (95 T1 BZ) Serie 1223 / 1223 T / 1223 R Mot. 9220 (95 T1 BZ) 327

9222 / 01 2321 K Mot. 9222 / 01 327

9222 / 11 1223 Mot. 9222 / 11 328

9222 / 11 2323 6X4 Mot. 9222 / 11 328

9700 Mot. 9700 328

9702 Mot. 9702 328

9702 / 11 J 4 800 Mot. 9702 /11 328

9731 / 10 J 4 1100 Mot. 9731 / 10 329

94 T1 BX 1217 Turbo Mot. 94 T1 BX 329

1223 T Turbo Mot. 95 T1 BX 329

2323 T Mot. 95 T1 BX 329

1226 T Turbo Mot. 95 R1 AX 329

1231 T / R 2331 K Turbo Mot. 96 T1 CX 330

1234 T / R Turbo Mot. 96 R1 AX 330

1236 T / R Turbo Mot. 96 R1 EX 330

2323 6X4 Mot. 95 T1 BX 330

2331 6X4 Mot. 96 T1 CX 330


P – 3 Mot. P3 331

P – 4 Mot. P4 331

P – 6 Mot. P6 331

Serie 59 P­3 3.59 Mot. 3.59 331

Serie 59 P­4 4.59 Mot. 4.59 331

Serie 59 P­6 6.59 Mot. 6.59 332

Mot. T. 4.38 Tr. Renault Midliner 5100 Mot. T 4.38 332

Mot. 4.99 Mot. 4.99 332

Mot. 4 A 203 Tr. Massey Ferguson 865 Mot. 4A 203 332

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. 1006.6HR 4 332

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. 1006.6HR 3 333

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. 1006.6TLR2 333

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. 1006.6THR2 333

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. 1006.6TMR2 333

Mot. 3152 Mot. 3152 333

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. P. 3126.2 334

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. P. 3126.3 334

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. P. 3126.4 334

Mot. 4203 Mot. 4203 334

Mot. D 3152 Mot. D 3152 334

Mot. AD 4203 / Mot. D 4203 Mot. AD4203 / D4203 335

Mot. 3144 Mot. 3144 335

Mot. 4192 Mot. 4192 335

Mot. 4108 Mot. 4108 335

Mot. 4154 Mot. 4154 335

Mot. 4236 Tr. Renault 70-12 SP / 70-14 SP Mot. 4236 336

Mot. 4236 Tr. Massey Ferguson 175 Mot. 4236 336

Mot. 4270 Aplic. Agrícolas, Trabajos Públicos y Marina Mot. 4270 336

Mot. A 4248 Tr. Landini 8550 Mot. A 4248 336

Mot. A 4236 Tr. Landini 6550 Mot. A 4236 336

Mot. A 4236 Tr. Landini 7550 Mot. A 4236 337

Mot. AT 4236 Tr. Landini 9880 Mot. AT 4236 337

Mot. A 4236 Tr. Massey Ferguson 375 Mot. A 4236 337

Mot. A 4236 Tr. Massey Ferguson 3050 Mot. A 4236 337

Mot. 6PF 288 Mot. 6PF 288 337

Mot. 6PF 305 Mot. 6PF 305 338

Mot. 6354 Mot. 6354 338

Mot. 6354.1 Tr. Landini 10000 Mot. 6354.1 338

Mot. A 6354.4 Standard Tr. Landini 10000 S / MKII Mot. A 6354.4 Stand 338

Mot. AT 6.354.4 Tr. Landini 14500 Mot. AT 6.354.4 338

Mot. 6.354.4 Standard Tr. Massey Ferguson 2620 Mot. 6354.4 Standard 339

Mot. 6.354.4 Premium Tr. Landini 12500 / 13000 Mot. 6354.4 Premium 339

Mot. AT 6354.4 Tr. Massey Ferguson 2680 Mot. AT 6354.4 339

Mot. A 6354.4 Tr. Massey Ferguson 2640 Mot. AT 6354.4 339

Mot. 6.372.4 Cosechadora Braud 650 Mot. 6.372.4 339

Mot. 6.372.4 Cosechadora Class Dominator 85 Mot. 6.372.4 340

Mot. V 8.510 Mot. V 8.510 340

Mot. V 8.540 Mot. V 8.540 340

Mot. AT 3152.4 Tr. Massey Ferguson 355 Mot. AT 3152.4 340

Mot. AT 4236 Tr. Landini 9880 Mot. AT 4236 340

Aplicaciones Diversas 53 kW Mot. 1004­4 341

Aplicaciones Diversas 57 kW Mot. 1004­4 HR 341

Aplicaciones Diversas 67 kW Mot. 1004­4 341

Aplicaciones Diversas Turbo 79 kW Mot. 1004­4T 341

Aplicaciones Diversas 37 kW Mot. Serie 900 341

Aplicaciones Diversas 44 kW Mot. Serie 900S 342

Aplicaciones Agrícolas (MF) 99 kW Mot. 1006­6 THR2 342

Aplicaciones Agrícolas (MF) 107 kW Mot. 1006­6 THR3 342

Aplicaciones Agrícolas (MF) 114 kW Mot. 1006­6 THR4 342


106 1.4 D 92-94 Mot. TUD3Y.K9Y 343

106 1.4 D 94-95 Mot. TUD3 / L 343

106 1.5 D 94-97 Mot. TUD5 343

106 1.5 Bosch 58CV 97-03 Mot. TUD5/L 343

106 1.5 Lucas 58CV 97-03 Mot. TUD5/L 343

205 1.8 D Bomba Bosch 87-92 Mot. XUD 7 (161A) 344

205 1.8 D Bomba CAV 87-92 Mot. XUD 7 (161A) 344

205 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 87-93 Mot. XUD 9Y 344

205 1.8 Turbo 93-96 Mot. XUD 7T/L 344

206 1.4 2001-04 Mot. DV4 TD 344

206 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 98-03 Mot. DW8 345

206 2.0 D 99-02 Mot. DW10TD 345

306 1.8 93-95 Mot. XUD7/L 345

306 1.8 Lucas 97-01 Mot. XUD7/L3 345

306 1.8 Bosch 97-01 Mot. XUD7/L3 345

306 1.9 D 93-97 Mot. XUD 9Y.DJZ 346

306 1.9 D 97-99 Mot. XUD9AY.DJY 346

306 1.9 D Turbo 97-99 Mot. XUD 9TEY.DHY 346

306 1.9 D Turbo 97-99 Mot. XUD9TEY.DHY 346

306 2.0 D Turbo 97-00 Mot. DW 10TD 346

307 1.4 TD Common Rail 68CV 2001-04 Mot. DV4TD 347

307 2.0 TD Common Rail 90CV 2001-04 Mot. DW10TD 347

307 2.0 TD Common Rail 107CV 2001-04 Mot. DW10ATED 347

309 1.8 Bomba Bosch 87-92 Mot. XUD 7 347

309 1.8 Bomba CAV 87-92 Mot. XUD 7 347

309 1.8 Turbo 90-92 Mot. XUD 7T 348

309 1.9 Bomba CAV 87-92 Mot. XUD 9 (D9A) 348

309 1.9 Bomba Bosch 87-92 Mot. XUD 9 (D9A) 348

309 1.9 Bomba Bosch 87-92 Mot. XUD 9Y (DJZ) 348

405 1.9 D 88-92 Mot. XUD 9/Y 348

405 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 88-92 Mot. XUD 9A 349

405 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 88-92 Mot. XUD 9A (D9B) 349

405 1.9 D Bomba CAV 88-92 Mot. XUD 9A (D9B) 349

405 1.8 D Turbo Bomba Bosch 88-92 Mot. XUD 7TE 349

405 1.8 D Turbo Bomba Bosch 88-92 Mot. XUD 7TE 349

405 1.8 D Turbo Bomba CAV 88-92 Mot. XUD 7TE 350

405 1.9 Turbo Bomba Roto Diesel 92-95 Mot. XUD9TE/Y(DHY) 350

405 1.9 Turbo Bomba Bosch 92-96 Mot. XUD9TE/L(D8A) 350

406 1.9 TD 95-99 Mot. XUD9BTF.DHX 350

406 2.0 D Turbo 99-00 Mot. DW10TD 350

406 2.0 D Turbo 98-03 Mot. DW10ATED 351

406 2.1 TD 95-98 Mot. XUD11BTE.P8C 351

406 2.2 TD 16V Common Rail 133CV Mot. DW12TED4 351

406 Coupe 2.2 TD 16V Common Rail 133CV Mot. DW12 TED4 351

504 2.3 D Bomba CAV 87-93 Mot. XD2 351

504 2.3 D Pick-Up 87-92 Mot. XD2 352

505 2.5 D Bomba Bosch 87-92 Mot. XD3 (155) 352

505 2.5 D Bomba CAV 87-92 Mot. XD3 (155) 352

605 2.1 TD 89-93 Mot. XUD11ATEY.PHZ 352

605 Bomba Bosch 90-93 Mot. XUD11ATE / L 352

605 Bomba CAV 90-93 Mot. XUD11ATE / L 353

605 Bomba CAV 93-95 Mot. XUD11A / L 353

605 Bomba Bosch 93-95 Mot. XUD11A / L 353

605 2.5 TD 95-99 Mot. DK5ATEY.THY 353

607 2.2 HDi 16V 133CV Common Rail Mot. DW12 TED4 353

806 1.9 TD 95-00 Mot. XUD9TF.DHX 354

806 1.9 D Turbo 95-00 Mot. XUD9BTF 354

806 2.0 D 99-00 Mot. DW10ATED 354

806 2.1 TD Cat. 96-00 Mot. XUD11BTE.P8C 354

Partner 1.8 D Bomba Lucas 96-99 Mot. XUD7 (A9A) 354

Partner 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 98-00 Mot. DW8 355

Partner 1.9 D Bomba Lucas 98-00 Mot. DW8 355

Partner 1.9 D Bomba Lucas 96-98 Mot. XUD9Y (DJY) 355

Partner 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 96-00 Mot. XUD9Y (DJY) 355

Partner 1.9 D Bomba Lucas 96-00 Mot. XUD9A (D9B) 355

Partner 2.0 Turbo 99-00 Mot. DW10TD 356

Expert 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 99-01 Mot. DW8L (WJZ) 356

Expert 1.9 D Bomba Lucas 99-01 Mot. DW8L (WJZ) 356

Expert 1.9 D 95-00 Mot. XUD9A 356

Expert 1.9 D Turbo 95-00 Mot. XUD9TF 356

Expert 2.0 HDi 99-04 Mot. DW10BTED 357

Expert 2.0 HDi 99-04 Mot. DW10JATED 357

J 5 / Express 1.9 D Bomba CAV 87-92 Mot. XUD9A 357

J 5 / Express 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 88-93 Mot. XUD9A 357

J 5 Bomba CAV / DPA 87-94 Mot. U25 / 661 357

J 5 Bomba CAV / DPC Mot. U25 / 661 358

J 5 2.5 Turbo 87-94 Mot. U25 / 673 358

J 9 1900 2.5 D 87-94 Mot. XD 3P 358

Boxer 1000 1.9 TD 94-99 Mot. XUD9UTF 358

Boxer 1000 1.9 D 99-00 Mot. XUD9A 358

Boxer 2.5 D 94-00 Mot. DJ­5 359

Boxer 2.5 TD Cat. 94-97 Mot. DJ5T 359

Boxer 2.5 Turbo 97-00 Mot. DJ5TED 359

Boxer 2.8 HDi 2000-02 Mot. 8140.43S 359


Clio Tren Delantero 360

Clio 1.9 D Bomba CAV 90-98 Mot. F8Q 732 361

Clio 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 90-98 Mot. F8Q 732 361

Clio 1.9 D Bomba Bosch 95-98 Mot. F8Q 678 361

Clio II Tren Delantero 362

Clio II 1.9 98-02 Mot. F8Q 662 363

Clio II 1.9 98-02 Mot. F8Q 630 363

Clio II Tren Delantero 364

Clio II 1.9 98-02 Mot. F8Q 632 365

Clio II 1.9 98-02 Mot. F8Q 630 365

Clio II Tren Delantero 366

Clio II 1.9 98-02 Mot. F9Q 782 367

Clio II Tren Delantero 368

Clio II 1.5 dCi 2000-04 Mot. K9K 369

Clio II 1.5 dCi 82CV 2000-04 Mot. K9K 369

R19 Tren Delantero 370

R19 D Chamade Bomba Bosch 88-92 Mot. F8QA706 371

R19 D Chamade Bomba CAV 88-92 Mot. F8QA706 371

R19 D Chamade Bomba Bosch 91-92 Mot. F8Q / 742 371

R19 Chamade TD 92-96 Mot. F8Q / 744 371

R19 Tren Delantero 372

R19 1.9 Turbo 92-96 Mot. F8Q 768 373

Megane Tren Delantero 374

Megane 1.9 Mot. F8Q 620 375

Megane 1.9 TD Mot. F8Q 624 375

Megane Tren Delantero 376

Megane 1.9 TDi (’99) Mot. F8Q 730 / 734 377

Megane Scenic 1.9 D Turbo 99-01 Mot. F9Q 620 377

Megane Tren Delantero 378

Megane Coupé Cabriolet 1.9 Turbo 99-01 Mot. F9Q 734 379

Megane II Tren Delantero 380

Megane II 1.5 Mot. K9K 722 381

Megane II 1.9 Mot. F9Q 800 381

Scenic Tren Delantero 382

Scenic RX4 1.9 dCi 4×4 2000-03 Mot. F9Q 740 383

R21 Tren Delantero 384

R21 D 1.9 89-92 Mot. F8Q­710 385

R21 D 2.1 Bomba CAV 86-92 Mot. J8S­704 385

R21 D 2.1 Bomba Bosch 88-92 Mot. J8S A704 385

R21 Tren Delantero 386

R21 D Turbo Bomba Bosch 88-92 Mot. J8S B714/72 387

Laguna Tren Delantero 388

Laguna 1.9 D Turbo 98-01 Mot. F9Q 389

Laguna 2.2 D 94-98 Mot. G8T 389

Laguna Tren Delantero 390

Laguna 2.2 TD 94-96 Mot. G8T 706 391

Laguna 2.2 12V Turbo 98-01 Mot. G8T 760 391

Laguna II Tren Delantero 392

Laguna II 1.9 dCi 100CV Mot. F9Q 393

Laguna II Tren Delantero 394

Laguna II 1.9 dCi 107CV Mot. F9Q 751/752 395

Laguna II Tren Delantero 396

Laguna II Mot. F9Q 750 397

Laguna II Tren Delantero 398

Laguna II 2.2 Mot. G9T 700/701/702 399

Safrane Tren Delantero 400

Safrane 2.1 D Turbo 91-98 Mot. J8S­760 401

Safrane 2.2 DT 96-01 Mot. G8T 401

Safrane 2.5 TD 91-98 Mot. S8U 762 401

Espace Tren Delantero 402

Espace D Turbo 84-91 Mot. J8S 240 403

Espace D Turbo 91-92 Mot. J8S 772 403

Espace Tren Delantero 404

Espace 2.2 TD 98-00 Mot. G8T 405

Espace 2.1 92-97 Mot. J8S 778 405

Espace Tren Delantero 406

Espace 2.1 Mot. J8S 612 407

Espace (Jeox) Tren Delantero 408

Espace 2.2 115CV 96-00 Mot. G8T 716 409

Espace 2.2 113CV 97-00 Mot. G8T 714 409

Espace 1.9 98CV 99-02 Mot. F9Q 722 409

Espace III Tren Delantero 410

Espace III 1.9 dTi 99-02 Mot. F9Q 722 411

Espace III 2.2 dCi 2000-02 Mot. G9T 710 411

Espace III 2.2 dCi 2000-02 Mot. G9T 710 411

Espace IV Tren Delantero 412

Espace IV Mot. F9Q 826 413

Espace IV Mot. G9T 742 413

Espace IV Tren Delantero 414

Espace IV 3.0 V6 dCi 177CV Mot. P9X 701 415

Kangoo Tren Delantero 416

Kangoo 50 kW 2000-04 Mot. K9K 700/702/704/710 417

Kangoo 99-03 Mot. F8Q 632 417

Kangoo 99-03 Mot. F8Q 630 417

Kangoo Tren Delantero 418

Kangoo 98-04 Mot. F8Q 662 419

Kangoo 98-04 Mot. F8Q 630 419

Kangoo Tren Delantero 420

Kangoo 99-04 Mot. F9Q 780 421

Kangoo Mot. F9Q 790 421

Express Tren Delantero 422

Express F40 E Mot. F8Q 684/776 423

Express F40 P Mot. F8Q 724 423

Express F40 R Mot. F8Q 640/682 423

Express G40 B Mot. F8Q 644/648 423

Express G40 C Mot. F8Q 646/680 423

R5 Tren Delantero 424

R5 Super 5 Bomba Roto Diesel 90-93 Mot. F8M G730 425

R5 Super 5 Bomba Bosch 93 Mot. F8M D720 425

Trafic Tren Delantero 426

Trafic Mot. J8S 620 427

Trafic Mot. J8S 758 427

Trafic Tren Delantero 428

Trafic 2.5 47 kW Mot. J8S 622 429

Trafic 2.5 55 kW Mot. S8U 780/782 429

Trafic 2.5 55 kW 95-00 Mot. S8U 758 429

Trafic Tren Delantero 430

Trafic Mot. F8Q 600/606 431

Trafic II Tren Delantero 432

Trafic II Mot. F9Q 760 433

Trafic II Mot. F9Q 762 433

Master Tren Delantero 434

Master 2.5 55 kW Mot. S8U 748 435

Master 2.5 69 kW Mot. S9U 714 435

Master 2.5 69 kW Mot. S9U 740 435

Master 2.5 (XDXA) Mot. S8U 770 436

Master 2.5 (XDXB) / (XDXF) Mot. S9W 700 436

Master 2.8 (XDXC) Mot. S9W 702 437

Master 2.5 (XDXE) 98-00 Mot. S8U 772 437

Master 2.2 (XDXG) 2000-04 Mot. G9T 720 437

Master Batalla Tren Delantero 438

Master 1.9 (XDXL) Mot. F9Q 770 439

Master 2.2 (XDXN) 2000-04 Mot. G9T 722 439

Master 2.5 (XDXU) / (XDXM) Mot. G9U 720/724 439

Master Batalla Tren Delantero 440

Master 1.9 (XDXP) Mot. F9Q 772 441

Master 2.8 (XDXR) Mot. S8W 700 441

ARES 710 145CV Mot. 6068 TRT50 442

ARES 815 165CV Mot. 6068 TRT51 442

ARES 725-825 165CV Mot. 6068 HRT51 442

ARES 735 185CV Mot. 6068 HRT52 442

Kerax 188 kW Mot. MIDR.062045CA 442

Kerax 219 kW Mot. MIDR.062045D41 443

Kerax 249 kW Mot. MIDR.062045E41 443

Kerax 265 265CV Mot. DCI 11C 443

Kerax 311 311CV Mot. DCI 11E 443

Kerax 361 361CV Mot. DCI 11G 443

Kerax 280 kW Mot. MIDR.062356A41 444

Kerax 288 kW Mot. MIDR.062356B41 444

Kerax 412 412CV Mot. DCI 11I 444

Magnum E 400CV Mot. MIDR.062465A46/A 444

Magnum E 440CV Mot. MIDR.062465B46/B 444

Magnum E 480CV Mot. MIDR.062465C46/C 445

Mascott 130 125CV Mot. 8140-435 445

S 150 Midliner 93-97 Mot. MIDS 06.02.12D3 445

S 160 M 160 91-92 Mot. MIDS 06.02.12 B 445

S 160 Mot. MIDR 06.02.26 V 445

S 170 Mot. MIDR 06.02.12 G 446

S 180 Mot. MIDS 06.02.26 V 446

Midliner M150.12 Mot. MIDR 06.02.26 U 446

Midliner M180 S180 Mot. MIDR 06.02.26 V 446

Midliner M210 Mot. MIDR 06.02.26 W 446

Midlum A4 135CV Mot. MIDR 04.02.26 447

Midlum B4 150CV Mot. MIDR 04.02.26 447

Midlum 220 Mot. DCI 6 WJ01 447

Midlum 240 Mot. DCI 6 WJ01 447

Premium 260 Mot. MIDR 06.20.45 C4 447

Premium 300 Mot. MIDR 06.20.45 D41 448

Premium 340 Mot. MIDR 06.20.45 E41 448

Premium 385 Mot. MIDR 06.23.56 A41 448

Premium 400 Mot. MIDR 06.23.56 B41 448

50-12 R 3215 / 01 90-97 Mot. F3L 912 448

55-12 (R3235/21) 55-12 (R3246) 55-14 (R3237/22) 90-97 Mot. F3L 912 449

70-12 (R3255/66) 70-14 (R3257/68) 88-97 Mot. F4L 912 449

80-12 (R3275/6) 80-14 (R3277/8) 88-97 Mot. F4L 913 449

103-54 R7822 Turbo 90-97 Mot. TD226­4 449

106-54 R7842 Turbo 92-97 Mot. D226­B6 449

110-54 R7912 90-97 Mot. D226­6 450

120-54 R7922 90-97 Mot. D226­6 450

133-54 R7932 90-97 Mot. D226­6 450

145-54 R7942 90-97 Mot. TD228­6 450

155-54 R7952 Turbo 90-97 Mot. TD226­B6 450

175-74 Turbo Mot. TD226­B6 451

180-94 R3862 Turbo 92-97 Mot. TD226­B6 451

B 70 Mot. 8140.61 451

B 70 Mot. S8U (Sofim) 451

B 80 Mot. 8140.07 451

B 90 Mot. 8140.21 452

B 110 90-92 Mot. 8140.27 452

B 110 4X4 Mot. 8140.27 452

B 120.35 Mot. 8140.47 452

B 120.50 Mot. 8140.47 452

AE 380 Mot. MIDR 06.35.40H 453

AE 385 ti Mot. MIDR 06.35.40L1 453

AE 385 Mot. MIDR 06.35.40 N / 3 453

AE 420 Mot. MIDR 06.35.40 J / 3 453

AE 500 Mot. Mack EE9 453

AE 520 Mot. Mack EE9 «ACE» 454

Ceres 65 (R3311/2) 93-97 Mot. D226­3 454

Ceres 70/X (R3311/2) 93-97 Mot. D226­3 454

Ceres 75/X (R3331/2) 93-97 Mot. 4-236 454

Ceres 85/X (R3341/2) 93-97 Mot. D226­4 454

Ceres 95/X (R3371/2) 93-97 Mot. D226­4 455

Ceres 65 55CV Mot. 3029 DRT 455

Ceres 75-75X 65CV Mot. 4039 DRT 455

Ceres 67CV Mot. 4045 DRT50 455

Ceres 85-85X 75CV Mot. 4045 DRT 455

Ceres 95-95X 85CV Mot. 4039 TRT 456

Ceres 325/325X Mot. 4045 DRT50 456

Ceres 335/335X Mot. 4045 DRT51 456

Ceres 345/345X Mot. 4045 TRT50 456

Ceres 355/355X Mot. 4045 TRT51 456


Serie 50 79-87 Mot. Perkins 4236 457

Serie 50 79-87 Mot. Perkins T 4236 457

Serie 50 88-92 Mot. Phaser 90 457

Serie 50 Turbo 88-92 Mot. Phaser 110 T 457

Serie 50 79-86 Mot. Perkins 6.247 457

Serie 100 85-89 Mot. Perkins 4.236 458

Serie 100 81-89 Mot. Perkins 6.354.4 458

Serie 100 81-89 Mot. Perkins T 6.354 458

Comando G10 / G11-100B / G12-100B 88-89 Mot. D 6.354.4 458

Comando G8 / 10 / 11 / 12 / 13 / 16 / 17 / 120B 88-89 Mot. 6.354.4 458

Comando G11 / 12 / 13 / 16 / 17 / 20-150B 88-89 Mot. T 6.354.4 459

Serie 100 81-89 Mot. Perkins V8.540 459

Comando G13 / 17-170 G16 / G24M-170/B G25/T-170/B/C 87-89 Mot. Perkins V8.540 459

Comando G17-230 T / G24M-230T 88-89 Mot. Perkins TV8.540 459


25 2.0 Turbo 99-03 Mot. 20T 460

45 2.0 Turbo 99-03 Mot. 20T 460

75 2.0 16V Turbo 99-03 Mot. BMW M47R 460

115 1.5 D 96-98 Mot. TUD 5 460

218 D / 418 D 91-93 Mot. D9B (XUD9A) 460

218 / 418 Turbo D 91-94 Mot. A8A 461

220 D / 220 SD Turbo Cat. 95-99 Mot. 20 T2R 461

220 SDi Intercooler Turbo Cat. 95-99 Mot. 20 T2N 461

418 Tourer TD Mot. A8A 461

420 2.0 Turbo 95-98 Mot. 20T2 R 461

620 SDi Turbo 95-98 Mot. 20 T2N 462

825 2.5 D 92-96 Mot. 4924 SHI RG 462

825 TD 2.5D 96-98 Mot. VM425SLIER 462

Metro 100 1.4 D 92-94 Mot. TUD 3 462

Maestro 2.0 D 90-92 Mot. MDi 463

Maestro 500 / 700 89-95 Mot. MDi 463

Maestro 2.0 D Turbo 92-95 Mot. MDi 463

Montego 2.0 D Turbo 89-92 Mot. MDi 463

Freelander 2.9 D Turbo 97-00 Mot. 20T 463

Freelander 2.0 TD4 4×4 2000-04 Mot. TD4 464

90 / 110 2.5 D 85-92 Mot. 12J 464

90 / 110 2.5 TD 87-92 Mot. Turbo Diesel 464

90 / 110 2.5 Tdi 92-94 Mot. 200 Tdi 464

Discovery 2.5 Tdi 90-94 Mot. 11L 464

Discovery 2.5 Tdi 94-98 Mot. 300 Tdi 465

Discovery Serie II 2.5 D Turbo 98-02 Mot. TD5 465

Defender 90 Mot. 11 L 465

Defender 110 Mot. 16 L 465

Defender 130 Mot. 11 L 465

Defender 90/110 2.5 TDI 99-03 Mot. TD5 466

Range Rover 2.4 Turbo 86-92 Mot. HR492HI 466

Range Rover 2.5 Tdi 93-94 Mot. 200 TDi 466

Range Rover 2.5 Tdi 94-95 Mot. 300 Tdi 466

Range Rover 2.5 DT Turbo 94-02 Mot. 100 kW 466

Range Rover 2.9 TD6 24V Common Rail Mot. TD6 467


9-3 2.2 16V Turbo 98-02 Mot. D223L 468

9-3 2.2 TiD 16V 2002-04 Mot. D223L 468

9-5 2.2 TiD 16V 2002-04 Mot. D223L 468

9-5 3.0 TiD V6 24V Mot. D308L 468


Tractor Explorer 90 T Mot. 1000 4­AT 469

Tractor Explorer 70 / 70 Especial Mot. 1000 4­A 469

Tractor Explorer 80 / 80 Especial Mot. 1000 4­A1 469

Tractor Explorer 60 Mot. 1000 3­A 469

Tractor Centauro 60 Bomba Bosch Mot. DA 954V 469

Tractor Centauro 60 Bomba Roto Diesel Mot. DA 954V 470

Tractor Solaris Mot. 500.3­A 470

Tractor Leone 70 Mot. DA 1004V 470

Tractor Antares 110 Mot. 1000.6­A 470

Tractor Antares 130 Mot. 1000.6­AT 470

Silver 100.6 Mot. 1000.6­A1 471

Silver 100.4 Mot. 1000.4­ATI 1 471

Silver 80 Mot. 1000.4­A4 471

Silver 90 Turbo Mot. 1000.4­AT2 471

Golden 60 Dorado 55 60CV Mot. 1000.3­A5 471

Golden 65 67CV Mot. 1000.3­AT1 472

Golden 75 75CV Mot. 1000.4­A3 472

Golden 85 Dorado 85 85CV Mot. 1000.4­AT1 472

Dorado 65 62CV Mot. 1000.3­AT2 472

Dorado 75 70CV Mot. 1000.4­A5 472

Rubin 120 120CV Mot. 1000.6 WT 473

Rubin 135 135CV Mot. 1000.6 WT 473

Rubin 150 150CV Mot. 1000.6 WTI 473


G / P / R / T 82 M / H Mot. DS 8 05 474

G / P / R / T 82 M / H Mot. DS 8 01 474

G / P / R / T 92 M / H Mot. DS 9 01 474

G / P / R / T 92 M / H Mot. DSC 9 01 474

G 93 88-92 Mot. DS 9 08 474

G 112 M 4X2 Mot. DS 11 14 475

L – LB 110 Mot. D 11 01 475

L – LB 110 Mot. DS 11 01 475

L – LB 141 Mot. DS 14 01 475

P 92 84-88 Mot. DSC 9 01 475

P 92 84-92 Mot. DSC 9 02 476

P 92 84-92 Mot. DS 9 01 476

93-210 88-96 Mot. DS9­08 476

Serie 4 Mot. DSC 12.02.360 476

Serie 4 Mot. DSC 12.01.400 476

Serie 4 Mot. DSC 14­15 477

Serie 4 Mot. DSC 14­13 477

Serie 4 Mot. DSC 14­13 477

R164LA Serie 4 480CV Mot. DC 1601 477

R164LA Serie 4 580CV Mot. DC 1602 477

Serie 93 220 Mot. DSC 9 10 478

93-230 88-96 Mot. DS9­06 478

Serie 93 250 Mot. DSC 9 07 478

93­250 88-96 Mot. DS9­05 478

Serie 93 280 Mot. DSC 9 08 478

93-280 88-96 Mot. DSC9­02 479

Serie 94 220CV Mot. DSC 911 479

Serie 94 260CV Mot. DSC 912 479

Serie 94 310CV Mot. DSC 913 479

P / R / T 112 M / H / E Mot. DS 11 14 479

P / R / T 112 M / H / E Mot. DS 11 15 480

P / R / T 112 M / H / E Mot. DS 11 18 480

P / R / T 112 M / H / E Mot. DSC 11 01 480

P112 / G112 / R112 / T112 81-88 Mot. DS 11 14 480

P112 / G112 / R112 / T112 81-88 Mot. DS 11 15 480

P112 / G112 / R112 / T112 81-88 Mot. DSC 11 01 481

Serie 113 Mot. DSC 11 16 481

Serie 113 Mot. DSC 11 73 481

Serie 113 310 Mot. DSC 11 08 481

Serie 113 320 Mot. DSC 11 21 481

Serie 113 340 Mot. DSC 11 12 482

113-360 91-96 Mot. DSC 11­18 482

Serie 113 360 Mot. DSC 11 23 482

Serie 113 380 Mot. DSC 11 22 482

Serie 113 400 Mot. DTC 11 01 482

R / T 142 M / H / E Mot. DS 14 06 483

R / T 142 M / H / E Mot. DS 14 01 483

R / T 142 M / H / E Mot. DS 14 05 483

R 142 Mot. DS 14 06 483

R 142 Mot. DS 14 01 483

R / T 142 Mot. DS 14 06 484

Serie 143 400 Mot. DSC 14 06 484

Serie 143 420 Mot. DSC 14 18 484

Serie 143 450 Mot. DSC 14 03 484

Serie 143 470 Mot. DSC 14 04 484

Serie 143 500 Mot. DSC 14 09 485

Serie 141 Mot. 14 01 485

DS 8.05 Mot. DS 8 05 485

DSI 8.01 Mot. DSI 8 01 485


Arosa 1.4 TDI 97-04 Mot. AMF 486

Arosa 1.7 D 60CV Mot. AKU 486

Alhambra 1.9 TDi Cat. 96-00 Mot. AHU 486

Alhambra 1.9 TDi 96-99 Mot. 1 Z 486

Alhambra 1.9 TDi 96-99 Mot. AFN 486

Alhambra 1.9 TDi 2000-04 Mot. ANU 487

Alhambra 1.9 TDi 2000-04 Mot. AVG 487

Alhambra 1.9 TDi 2000-04 Mot. AUY 487

Alhambra 1.9 TDi 2002-04 Mot. ASZ 487

Córdoba 1.7 SDi Cat. 98 Mot. AHB 487

Córdoba 1.9 D Cat. 93-99 Mot. 1Y 488

Córdoba 1.9 D 68CV 99-00 Mot. AEY 488

Córdoba 1.9 TD Cat. 93-97 Mot. AAZ 488

Córdoba 1.9 D 90CV Turbo 99-00 Mot. AHU 488

Córdoba 1.9 D 110CV Turbo 99-00 Mot. AFN 488

Córdoba 1.9 SDi 2002-04 Mot. ASY 489

Córdoba 1.9 TDi 2002-04 Mot. ATD 489

Córdoba 1.9 TDi 130CV 2002-04 Mot. ASZ 489

Ibiza 1.9 D Cat. 93-99 Mot. 1Y 489

Ibiza 1.9 SDi Cat. 96-99 Mot. AEY 489

Ibiza 1.9D 68CV 99-00 Mot. AEY 490

Ibiza 1.9 TD Cat. 93-97 Mot. AAZ 490

Ibiza 1.9 TDi Cat. 96-99 Mot. AHU 490

Ibiza 1.9 D 90CV Turbo 99-00 Mot. AHH 490

Ibiza 1.9 TDi 96-99 Mot. 1Z 490

Ibiza 1.9 TDi 81 kW Cat. 97-99 Mot. AFN 491

Ibiza 1.9 D 110CV Turbo 99-00 Mot. AFN 491

Ibiza 1.9 SDi 2002-04 Mot. ASY 491

Ibiza 1.4 TDi 2002-04 Mot. AMF 491

Ibiza 1.9 TDi 101CV 2002-04 Mot. ATD 491

Ibiza 1.9 TDi 130CV 2002-04 Mot. ASZ 492

León 1.9 68CV 2000-04 Mot. AQM 492

León 1.9 Turbo 90CV 99-04 Mot. ALH 492

León 1.9 Turbo 110CV 2000-02 Mot. ASV 492

León 1.9 Turbo 150CV 2000-04 Mot. ARL 492

Toledo 1.9 D 91-94 Mot. 1Y 493

Toledo 1.9 D Cat. 94-99 Mot. 1Y 493

Toledo 1.9 TD Cat. 91-99 Mot. AAZ 493

Toledo 1.9 TDi 66 kW Cat. 96-99 Mot. AHU 493

Toledo 1.9 TDi 81 kW Cat. 93-99 Mot. AFN 493

Toledo 1.9D 90CV Turbo 99-03 Mot. AGR 494

Toledo 1.9 D 110CV Turbo 99-03 Mot. AHF 494

Toledo 1.9 TDi 90CV 96-99 Mot. AHU 494

Toledo 1.9 TD 110CV 2000-02 Mot. ASV 494

Toledo 1.9 TD 150CV 2000-04 Mot. ARL 496

Ronda 1.7 D Bomba Roto Diesel 85-93 Mot. 022A 5.000 497

Ronda 1.7 D Bomba Bosch 85-93 Mot. 022A 5.000 497

Inca 1.9 D 96-99 Mot. 1 Y 497

Inca 1.9 SDi 96-99 Mot. AEY 497

Inca 1.9 TDi Mot. AHU 497

Inca 1.9 SDi 2000-04 Mot. AYQ 496

Terra 1.3 D 90-94 Mot. MN 496

Terra 1.4 D 90-96 Mot. 1 W 496


SR/SM 270 Cu NTE 370 497

SR/SM 300 Cu NTE 400­21 497

SR/SM 320 Cu NTE 430­420 497

SR/SM 340 Cu NTE 465­30 497

SK/SL 210 Cu LTA 10­290 497

Serie 620 73.5 kW Mot. 620 D 498

Serie 620 75 kW Mot. 620 DRE 498

Serie 620 81 kW Mot. 620 DSR 498

Serie 620 88 kW Mot. 620 D 498

Serie 620 92 kW Mot. 620 DSR 498

Serie 620 103 kW B. Bosch Mot. 620 DS 499

Serie 620 103 kW B. Stanadyne Mot. 620 DWR 499

Serie 634 95.5 kW Mot. 634 D 499

Serie 634 118 kW Mot. 634 DSR 499

Serie 634 140 kW Mot. 634 DS2 499


Fabia 1.9 D 64CV 99-04 Mot. ASY 500

Fabia 1.9 D 101CV Turbo Mot. ATD 500

Felicia 1.9 D 64CV 95-02 Mot. AEF 500

Octavia 1.9 D 68CV 2000-04 Mot. AGD 500

Octavia 1.9 90CV Turbo 96-04 Mot. AGR 500

Octavia 1.9 101CV 2001-04 Mot. ATD 501

Octavia 1.9 110CV Turbo 97-03 Mot. AFN 501

Superb 1.9 TDi 101CV 2002-04 Mot. ATD 501

Superb 1.9 TDi 130CV 2002-04 Mot. AWX 501

Superb 2.5 V6 24V 155CV 2002-04 Mot. AYM 501


Smart 0.8 41CV Turbo Common Rail Mot. D 01 502


Mot. 8140-07 Aplicación Renault V. I. B 80 Mot. 8140­07 503

Mot. 8140-21 Aplicación Renault V. I. B 90 Mot. 8140­21 503

Mot. 8140-27 Aplicación Renault V. I. B 110 Mot. 8140­27 503

Mot. 8140-43-27 Aplicación New Daily Mot. 8140­43 503

Mot. 8140-07-27 Aplicación Iveco Daily Mot. 8140­07­27 503

Mot. 8140-47-27 Aplicación Turbo Daily Mot. 8140­47­27 504

Aplicación: Renault Mascott 90 Mot. 8140­63 504

Aplicación: Renault Mascott 110 Turbo Mot. 8140­43C 504

Aplicación: Renault Mascott 130 Turbo Mot. 8140­43S 504


Musso 2.3 D 95-98 Mot. OM 601 505

Musso 2.9 D 95-98 Mot. OM 602 505


Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. WD401.80/81 506

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. WD401.82/83 506

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. WD401.85 506

Aplicaciones Agrícolas Mot. WD401.89 506

9S / 10S-14 / 12S / 14S-14 89-92 Mot. WD 612.04 506

9S14 Mot. WD 612.61 507

10S14 Mot. WD 612.61 507

9S / 10S-14 / 12S / 14S-14 89-92 Mot. WD 612.61.91.92 507

9S18 Mot. WD 612.63 507

10S18 Bomba Bosch Mot. WD 612.63 507

10S18 Bomba F. Maier Mot. WD 612.63 508

9S / 10S / 12S-18 / 14S / 16S-18 89-92 Mot. WD 612.63 508

12S14 Mot. WD 612.61 508

12S / 13S Euro 1 16S26 Allrad Mot. WD 612 95 508

13S / 15S 17S 18S23 Mot. WD 612 66 508

13S / 15S Euro 1 16S/18S26 Mot. WD 612 94 509

14S14 Mot. WD 612 61 509

12S21 Mot. WD 612 75 509

12S21 Mot. WD 612­75 509

12S / 14S-21 / 16S-21 89-92 Mot. WD 612.65 509

12S18 Bomba Bosch Mot. WD 612.73 510

12S18 Bomba F. Maier Mot. WD 612.73 510

15S / 18S26 Euro 2 Mot. WD 612 34 510

15S21 Bomba Bosch Mot. WD 612 75 510

15S21 Bomba F. Maier Mot. WD 612 75 510

15S18 Bomba Bosch Mot. WD 612 73 511

15S18 Bomba F. Maier Mot. WD 612 73 511

10S / 12S-18 15S-18 4X4 89-92 Mot. WD 612 73 511

12S / 13S-21 / 15S-21 4X4 89-92 Mot. WD 612 75 511

12S / 13S-21 15S-21 4X4 89-92 Mot. WD 612 93 511

14S18 Bomba Bosch Mot. WD 612 63 512

14S18 Bomba F. Maier Mot. WD 612 63 512

16S18 Bomba Bosch Mot. WD 612 63 512

16S18 Bomba F. Maier Mot. WD 612 63 512

16S26 Allrad Euro 2 Mot. WD 612 35 512

14S21 Bomba Bosch Mot. WD 612 65 513

14S21 Bomba F. Maier Mot. WD 612 65 513

16S21 Bomba Bosch Mot. WD 612 65 513

16S21 Bomba F. Maier Mot. WD 612 65 513

15S23 Mot. WD 612 93 513

19S / 22S / 25S 26S27 Euro 1 Mot. WD 615 42 514

19S-24 89-98 Mot. WD 615 64.74 514

19S27 Allrad Mot. WD 615 43 514

19S-22S-28 26S / 32S-28 89-98 Mot. WD 615 63.73 514

19S / 22S / 25S / 26S / 32S / 33S / 36S / 32 Euro 2 Mot. WD 615.44 514

19S / 22S / 26S / 32S / 32 Allrad Mot. WD 615 78 515

19S / 22S / 25 S / 26S / 32 Allrad Euro 2 Mot. WD 615 45 515

19S / 22S / 25S / 26S / 32S36 Allrad Mot. WD 615 48 515

19S / 25S / 26S / 33S / 36S42 Euro 1 Mot. WD 815 72 515

19S / 22S-31 / 26S / 32S-31 / 33S / 40S-31 89-98 Mot. WD 615 68.78 515

33S32 8X4 Euro 2 Mot. WD 615 44 516

19S ­ 22S-34 / 26S / 32S-34 / 33S / 40S-34 89-98 Mot. WD 815 69.79 516

33S36 8X4 Euro 2 Mot. WD 615 46 516

19S / 22S-37 26S / 32S-37 / 40S-37 89-98 Mot. WD 816.66 516

33S39 8X4 Mot. WD 815 66 516

33S42 8X4 Euro 1 Mot. WD 815 72 517

40S39 6X4 Mot. WD 815 96 517

WD401.81 Aplicación Tractor CS78 Mot. WD401.81 517

WD401.83 Aplicación Tractor CS86 Mot. WD401.83 517

WD401.85 Aplicación Tractor CS94 Mot. WD401.85 517


Samurai 1.9 Mot. Renault F8Q 518

Vitara 2.0 TD Mot. RF­Turbo 518

Gran Vitara 2.0 2000-02 Mot. RHZ 518

Gran Vitara 2.0 D Turbo 3 puertas 98-00 Mot. RF­Turbo 518

Gran Vitara 2.0 D Turbo 5 puertas 98-00 Mot. RF­Turbo 518


Express 1.9 D 88-94 Mot. XUD9A 519

Express 2.5 D 82-94 Mot. U25 / 661 519

Express 2.5 TD 88-94 Mot. U25 / 673 519


Sumo 1.9 Turbo 90CV Mot. 4DL Turbo 520

Safari 1.9 Turbo 90CV Mot. 4DL Turbo 520

Gurkha Sierra 1.9 Turbo 90CV Mot. 483 DLTurbo 520


Yaris 1.4 TDi Common Rail 2001-04 Mot. 1ND­TV 521

Yaris Verso 1.4 TDi Common Rail 2001-04 Mot. 1ND­TV 521

Avensis 2.0 D 16V 110CV Turbo 99-00 Mot. 1CD­FTV 521

Avensis 2.0 D 16V 90CV Turbo 99-00 Mot. 2C­TE 521

Avensis 2.0 16V Turbo Common Rail 116CV 99-03 Mot. 1CD­FTV 521

Avensis Verso 2.0 16V Turbo Com. Rail 110CV 2001-04 Mot. 1CD­FTV 522

Picnic Ipsum 2.2 90CV Turbo 98-01 Mot. 3C­TE 522

Nadia-Gaia 2.2 Turbo Mot. 3C­TE 522

Carina E 2.0 D 92-96 Mot. 2C 522

Carina E 2.0 D Turbo 96-98 Mot. 2C­T 522

Corolla 1.9 D 69CV 99-00 Mot. 1WZ 523

Corolla 2.0 93-97 Mot. 2C 523

Corolla 2.0 D 97-00 Mot. 2C­E 523

Corolla 2.0 16V Common Rail 2000-04 Mot. 1CD­FTV 523

Corolla 2.0 16V Common Rail 2002-04 Mot. 1CD­FTV 523

Corolla 2.2 TD 2000 Mot. 3CTE 524

Corolla Verso 2.0 16V Common Rail Mot. 1CD­FTV 524

Dyna 2.5 D 100 / 150 88-97 Mot. 2L 524

Dyna 150 2.5 D 84-96 Mot. 2L 524

Dyna 150 2.8 D 88-98 Mot. 3L 524

Dyna 200 3.0 D 84-96 Mot. B 525

Hi-Lux 2.4 97-02 Mot. 2L 525

Hi-Lux 2.4 Turbo 4×4 97-02 Mot. 2L-T 525

Hi-Lux 2.5 16V Common Rail Mot. 2KD-FTV 525

Hi-Ace 2.4 D Mot. 2L 525

Hi-Ace Power Van 2.4 D Turbo (LXH 12) 96-98 Mot. 2L 526

Hi-Ace Power Van 2.4 D Turbo (LXH 12) 96-00 Mot. 2LT 526

Hi-Ace 2.5 90CV 2001-04 Mot. 2KD-FTV 526

Hi-Ace 2.5 102CV 2001-04 Mot. 2KD-FTV 526

Lite-Ace 2.0 D 92-95 Mot. 2C 526

Land Cruiser 4.2 D 90-93 Mot. 1HD­T 527

Land Cruiser 80 Serie 450 SW 4.2 TD 90-93 Mot. 1HD­FT 527

Land Cruiser 4.2 Turbo 98-03 Mot. 1HD­FTE 527

Land Cruiser 300 / Prado Common Rail 3.0 2000-02 Mot. 1KD­FTV 527

Land Cruiser 500 TD 4.2 24V Mot. 1HD­FTE 527

Land Cruiser 4.2 90-95 Mot. 1HZ 528

4 Runner 2.4 TD 90-93 Mot. 2L­T 528

4 Runner 3.0 TD 93-96 Mot. 1KZ­T 528

RAV-4 2.0 16V Turbo Common Rail 116CV 4×4 2001-04 Mot. 1CD­FTV 528


Alter Ie II 4X4 88 Mot. XD3 (115) 529

Alter Turbo 4X4 86 Mot. XD3 TE (152B) 529


U 90 408 Mot. OM 602.941 530

U 110 418 Mot. OM 364 AV 530

U 140 418 Mot. OM 364 LA 530

U 600 / U 650 L 407 Mot. OM 616 I 530

U 600 407-100-200 88-98 Mot. 616.942 530

U 650 L 407-111-211 88-98 Mot. 616.944 531

U 650 407-110-210 88-98 Mot. 616.943 531

U 800 417-100-200 88-90 Mot. 314.917 531

U 900 417-101-201 88-98 Mot. 353.902 531

U 900 / U 1150 417 Mot. OM 366 XVI 531

U 1150 L-34 88-98 Mot. 353.940 532

U 1150 L 417-212 88-98 Mot. 353.907 532

U 1100 T 417-000 89-98 Mot. 353.940 532

U 1000 427-100 88-92 Mot. 366.915 532

U 1200 427 Mot. OM 366 AIV 532

U 1200 T Turbo 427-000-101 88-98 Mot. 366.949 533

U 1250 427 Mot. OM 366.AVI 533

U 1250 L Turbo 427-110-111 88-91 Mot. 366.949 533

U 1350 L Turbo 437-110 88-91 Mot. 366.955 533

U 1400 / 1450 427-102-112 88-91 Mot. 366.947 533

U 1550 / U 1750 L 37 / 38 89-98 Mot. 366.984 534

U 1550 L / 37 Turbo 88-98 Mot. 366.956 534

U 1600 / U 1650 427 Mot. OM 366 A 534

U 1600 / U 1650 LLK 427 Mot. OM 366 LA XIII 534

U 1600 / 1650 L Turbo 88-98 Mot. 366.948 534

U 1700 / U 1750 437 Mot. OM 366 AI 535

U 1750 L / 37 Turbo 437 – 112 – 113 – 130 – I 88-91 Mot. 366.963 535

U 1700 / T Turbo 437-000-100 88-98 Mot. 366.963 535

U 1550 / 1600 / U 1650 – 1750 / U 2100 – 2150 437 Mot. OM366 LA XIII 535

U 1150 – 2400 / U 2450 437 Mot. OM 366 LA XIII 535


Tr. 445 / 500 Mot. D 115 536

Tr. 445 DT 453 Mot. D 115 536

Tr. 532 L / 603 Mot. D 115 050 536

Tr. 550 / 600 Mot. D 121 536

Tr. 640 Mot. D 121 050 536

Tr. 642 L / 643 Mot. D 121 050 537

Tr. 704 Mot. D 121 050 537

Tr. 723 Mot. D 2404 50 537

Tr. 853 Mot. D 2404 050 TC 537


Tr. 555 Mot. 320 DS 538

Tr. 665 Mot. 420 D 538

Tr. 705 Mot. TD 44 DS7 538

Tr. 805 Mot. TD 44 DS8 538

Tr. 905 Mot. D 66 D9 538

Tr. 6000 Mot. 420 D 539

Tr. 6100 Mot. 320 D 539

Tr. 6300 Mot. 420 DS 539

Tr. 6400 Mot. 420 DW 539

Tr. 6600 Mot. 420 DS 539

Tr. 8300 Mot. 612 D 540

Tractor 8000 Mot. Sisu 620 D 540

Tractor 8050 Mot. Sisu 620 DSR 540

Tractor 8100 Mot. Sisu 620 D 540

Tractor 8150 Mot. Sisu 620 DSR 540

Tractor 8200 Mot. Sisu 634 D 541

Tractor 8400 Mot. Sisu 620 DS 541

Tractor 8450 Mot. Sisu 620 DS 541

Tractor 8550 Mot. Sisu 634 DSR 541

Tractor 8750 Mot. Sisu 634 DS 541


Lupo 1.7 60CV 98-04 Mot. AKU 542

Lupo 3L 1.2 61CV Turbo 99-04 Mot. ANY 542

Lupo 1.4 75CV Turbo 99-04 Mot. AMF 542

New Beetle 1.9 90CV Turbo 98-04 Mot. ALH 542

New Beetle 1.9 TD 2000-04 Mot. ATD 542

Bora 1.9 90CV Turbo 97-04 Mot. ALH 543

Bora 1.9 110CV Turbo 97-04 Mot. AHF 543

Bora 1.9 116CV Turbo 99-04 Mot. AJM 543

Bora 1.9 TD 101CV 2000-04 Mot. ATD 543

Bora 1.9 TD 130CV 2000-04 Mot. ASZ 543

Bora 1.9 TD 150CV 2000-04 Mot. ARL 544

Caddy 1.7 SDi 57CV 97-00 Mot. AKM 544

Caddy 1.9 D Cat. 96-00 Mot. AEF 544

Caddy 1.9 SDi Cat. 96-00 Mot. AEY 544

Caddy 1.9 D Cat. 96-00 Mot. 1Y 544

Caddy 1.9 SDi 68CV 98-00 Mot. AQM 545

Caddy 1.9 TDi Cat. 96-00 Mot. AHU 545

Caddy 1.9 TDi 110CV 98-00 Mot. ASV 545

Golf / Vento 1.9 D 91-04 Mot. 1 Y 545

Golf / Vento 1.9 TD 95-97 Mot. AAZ 545

Golf / Vento 1.9 TDi 93-94 Mot. 1 Z 546

Golf III Vento 1.9 D 95-97 Mot. 1Y 546

Golf III Vento 1.9 SDi Cat. 95-97 Mot. AEY 546

Golf III Vento 1.9 Turbo 94-97 Mot. AAZ 546

Golf III Vento Syncro 1.9 TDi 95-97 Mot. AHU 546

Golf III Cabriolet 1.9 TDi Cat. 95-03 Mot. AHU 547

Golf IV 1.9 68CV Turbo 97-00 Mot. AGP 547

Golf IV 1.9 90CV Turbo 97-00 Mot. AGR 547

Golf IV 1.9 110CV Turbo 97-00 Mot. AHF 547

Golf IV 1.9 116CV Turbo 99-00 Mot. AJM 547

Golf IV 1.9 TDi 101CV 2000-04 Mot. AXR 548

Golf IV 1.9 130CV 2000-04 Mot. ASZ 548

Golf IV 1.9 TDI 150CV 2000-04 Mot. ARL 548

Golf IV 1.9 TDI Sport 2000-04 Mot. ARL 548

Polo 1.4 D 90-93 Mot. 1W 548

Polo 1.4 75CV Turbo 99-02 Mot. AMF 549

Polo 1.7 SDi Cat. 96-00 Mot. AHG 549

Polo 1.7 60CV 94-00 Mot. AKW 549

Polo 1.9 64CV 94-00 Mot. AEY 549

Polo 1.9 SDi Cat. 96-02 Mot. AGD 549

Polo 1.9 TDi 98-02 Mot. AFN 550

Polo Classic 1.7 SDi Cat. 96-00 Mot. AHB 550

Polo Classic 1.9 68CV 96-00 Mot. AEY 550

Polo Classic 1.9 90CV Turbo 97-00 Mot. AHU 550

Polo Classic 1.9 110CV Turbo 94-00 Mot. AHF 550

Sharan 1.9 90CV Turbo Mot. AHU 551

Sharan 1.9 110CV Turbo Mot. AFN 551

Sharan 1.9 115CV 95-04 Mot. AUY 551

Sharan 1.9 90CV Sport 2001-04 Mot. AUY 551

Passat 1.6 TD Turbo 88-93 Mot. RA / SB 551

Passat 1.9 D 89-93 Mot. 1Y 552

Passat 1.9 D Cat. 91-93 Mot. AAZ 552

Passat 1.9 TDi 94-95 Mot. 1Z 552

Passat 1.9 90CV Turbo 97-01 Mot. AHU 552

Passat 1.9 TDi 101CV 2001-04 Mot. AVB 552

Passat 1.9 110CV Turbo 96-98 Mot. AFN 553

Passat 1.9 116CV Turbo 98-01 Mot. AJM 553

Passat 1.9 TDi 130CV 2001-04 Mot. AVF 553

Passat 2.5 V6 24V 150CV Turbo 98-01 Mot. AFB 553

Transporter 1.9 D 90-95 Mot. 1X 553

Transporter 1.9 TD 96-00 Mot. ABL 554

Transporter 2.4 D 90-95 Mot. AAB 554

Transporter 2.4 D 97-00 Mot. AJA 554

Transporter 2.5 D 98-00 Mot. AJT 554

Transporter 2.5 D 98-00 Mot. AHY 554

Transporter 2.5 D 96-00 Mot. ACV 555

Transporter 2.5 TDi 151CV 98-03 Mot. AHY 555

Transporter 2.5 TDi 151CV 2000-03 Mot. AXG 555

Transporter 2.5 TDi 102CV 2001-03 Mot. AYC 555

LT 28 31 35 2.4 D (Hasta 92) Mot. 1S 555

LT 28 31 35 2.4 D (Desde 93) Mot. ACT 556

LT 40 45 50 55 2.4 TD (Hasta 92) Mot. 1G 556

LT 40 45 50 55 2.4 TD (Desde 93) Mot. ACL 556

LT 2.8 D 92 kW 97-00 Mot. AGK 556

LT 2.5 D 75 kW 97-00 Mot. AHD 556

LT 2.5 D 55 kW 97-00 Mot. AGX 557

LT 2.5 D 80 kW Cat. 95-01 Mot. ANJ 557

LT 2.5 D 66 kW Cat. 99-01 Mot. APA 557

LT 2.8 TDi 130CV 99-04 Mot. ATA 557


S 40 / V 40 1.9 TD Cat. 96-97 Mot. D4192 T 558

S 40 / V 40 1.9 (95CV) Turbo 98-01 Mot. D4192 T2 558

S 40 / V 40 1.9 D Turbo 102CV 2001-04 Mot. D4192 T4 558

S 40 / V 40 1.9 D Turbo 115CV 2001-04 Mot. D4192 T3 558

S 60 2.4 130CV 2001-04 Mot. D5244 T2 559

S 60 2.4 D5 163CV 2001-04 Mot. D5244 T 559

S 70 2.5 140CV Turbo 97-00 Mot. D5252T 559

V 70 2.5 140CV Turbo 97-00 Mot. D5252T 559

V 70 2.4 130CV 2000-04 Mot. D5244T2 559

V 70 2.4 163CV 2000-04 Mot. D5244T 560

V 70 2.5 Turbo 140CV Mot. D5252T 560

S 80 2.4 130CV 2001-04 Mot. D5244T2 560

S 80 2.4 163CV 2001-04 Mot. D52244T 560

S 80 2.5 140CV Turbo 98-01 Mot. D5252T 560

440 1.9 TD 93-94 Mot. D19 T 561

460 1.9 TD 94-97 Mot. D19 T 561

740 2.4 TD 87-92 Mot. D 24 TIC 561

760 2.4 TD 88-92 Mot. D 24 TIC 561

780 2.4 TD 86-92 Mot. D 24 TIC 561

850 TDi 1996 Mot. D 5252 T 562

940 2.4 D 84-92 Mot. D 24 562

940 2.4 TD 93-96 Mot. D24 TIC 562

B 10 M Mot. TH 100 562

B 10 M Mot. TD 100D 562

Serie 7 Mot. TD 73 E 563

Serie 7 Mot. TD 73 ES 563

Serie 7 Mot. TD 71 FQ 563

Serie 7 Mot. TD 71 FSQ 563

Serie 7 Mot. TD 71 F 563

Serie 7 Mot. TD 71 FS 564

B 10 B Mot. TH 103 KF 564

B 10 B Mot. THD 103 KB 564

B 10 B Mot. THD 103 KD 564

B 10 M Mot. THD 103 KF 564

B 10 M Mot. TH 103 KB 565

B 10 M Mot. THD 102 KD 565

B 10 M Mot. THD 102 KD 565

B 12 Mot. TD 122 FH 565

B 12 Mot. TD 123 E 565

B 12 Mot. TD 122 FL 566

B 12 Mot. TD 123 ES 566

FL 7 / FS 7 Mot. TD 73 E 566

FS 7 Mot. D 7 B 566

FS 7 Mot. D 7 B 566

FL 7 Mot. D 7 A 567

FL 10 / FS 10 Mot. TD 103 E 567

FL 10 Mot. TD 102 F 567

FL 10 / FS 10 Mot. TD 102 FDQ 567

FL 10 / FS 10 Mot. TD 103 ES 567

F 10 Mot. TD 103 E 568

F 10 Mot. TD 102 FD 568

F 10 Mot. TD 103 ES 568

F 12 Mot. TD 122 F 568

F 12 Mot. TD 123 E 568

F 12 Mot. TD 122 FS 569

F 12 Mot. TD 123 ES 569

F 16 Mot. TD 162 F 569

TF 16 Mot. TD 162 FL 569

F 16 Mot. TD 163 ES 569

FH 16 Mot. D16A 470 570

FH 16 Mot. D16A 520 570

FL6 Mot. D6A 230 570

FL6 Mot. D6A 250 570

FL6 180CV Mot. D6B-EM / EC99 570

FL6 220CV Mot. D6B-EM / EC99 571

FL6 250CV Mot. D6B-EM / EC99 571

FL 608 / 614 / 610 / 615 / 611 / 613 Mot. TD 63E 571

FL 608 / 610 / 611 Mot. TD 61GB 571

FL 613 Mot. TD 61GC 571

FL 614 / 616 Mot. TD 61F 572

FL 614 / 615 / 616 / 618 Mot. TD 63ES 572

FH 12 Mot. D12A 340 572

FH 12 Mot. D12A 380 572

FH 12 Mot. D12A 420 572

FM 12 Mot. D12C.340 573

FM 12 Mot. D12C. 380 573

FM 12 Mot. D12C. 420 573

FM 12 Mot. D12C. 460 573

NL 10 Mot. TD 103 E 573

NL 10 Mot. TD 102 F 574

NL 10 Mot. TD 103 ES 574

NL 12 Mot. TD 123 E 574

NL 12 Mot. TD 122 FS 574

NL 12 Mot. TD 123 ES 574


Tr. 3320 / 3340 Mot. Z 5201 575

Tr. 4320 / 4340 Mot. Z 6201 575

Tr. 4712 / 4718 Mot. 4701 575

Tr. 5211 / 5245 Mot. Z 5201 575

Tr. 5320 / 5340 Mot. Z 7201 575

Tr. 6211 / 6245 Mot. Z 6201 576

Tr. 6320 / 6340 Mot. Z 7701 576

Tr. 6711 / 6718 / 6745 / 6748 Mot. 6701 576

Tr. 7211 / 7245 Mot. Z 7201 576

Tr. 7320 / 7340 Mot. Z 7901 576

Tr. 7711 / 7745 Mot. Z 7701 577

Tr. 8011 / 8045 Mot. Z8001 577

Tr. 8211 / 8245 Mot. Z8401 577

Tr. 8520 / 8540 Mot. 1201 577

Tr. 9211 / 9245 Mot. Z 8002 12 577

Tr. 9520 / 9540 Mot. 1001 578

Tr. 10011 / 10045 Mot. 8002 Turbo 578

Tr. 10011 / 10045 Mot. 8002 Turbo 578

Tr. 10520 / 10540 Mot. 1301 578

Tr. 11211 / 11245 Mot. Z 8701 13 578

Tr. 10211 / 10245 Mot. Z 8002.13 579

Tr. 14245 Mot. Z 8602 13 579

Tr. Z 5711 / Z 5718 / Z 5745 / Z 5748 Mot. Z 5501 579

Tr. Z 12145 Mot. Z 8701.1 579

Tr. 12211 / 12245 Mot. Z 8701.12 579

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